To post or unpost recurring orders and/or routes click on the two arrows that form a circle.
This will open the Post/Unpost form.
Field Name | Description |
Action (Post) | The posting action will make your routes, and or recurring orders active for the day or days you select. |
Action (Unpost) | The unpost action will remove your routes, and or recurring order from active status for the day or days you select. |
Recurring Orders | Recurring orders are the On demand orders you have set up in X Dispatch -> recurring orders. These orders post to your active On Demand dispatch board based on the schedule they have set up. For recurring order setup view the knowledge base article: X Dispatch - Recurring - New / Edit Recurring Order |
Routes | This will make your distribution routes active on your X Route -> Disaptch board. |
Route ASNs | These are imported route stops that have been imported through an ASN. This option is only available when performing the unpost action. |
Calander | This is where you select the day or days you would like to post for. You can select multiple days in the same month. To select a day simply double click on it, and it will turn yellow. you can also select different months then the current month by clicking on the left and right facing arrows on either side of the month field. |
Ok | Once you have selected your posting or unposting days click ok to perform the action you selected. |
Close | This will close the post/unpost form without posting the routes or recurring orders for that day. |