Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Creating a new Dispatch ticket

To set up a new dispatch ticket, click on the New button in the top left corner of the dispatch screen. 

Image Removed

This will open the Dispatch ticket form. Once you enter in the ID number the form will display all the columns in the lower portion of the form as well.

Image RemovedDispatch tickets are printed order information that can be customized in the Dispatch Tickets section. You can configure dispatch tickets to be printed automatically on the order type or reprint them from the order form. See Order Types (Classic Operations App) or Orders.

Go to Maintenance > Dispatch Tickets.


How to Add a Dispatch Ticket

  1. Go to Maintenance > Dispatch Ticket.

  2.  Click the New button in the toolbar.

Alternate Steps

  1. Click the arrow next to the New button, or press the Alt and N keys.

  2. Click Dispatch Ticket.


How to Edit a Dispatch Ticket

  1. Go to Maintenance > Dispatch Ticket.

  2. Double-click the dispatch ticket you would like to edit.

How to Delete a Dispatch Ticket

  1. Go to Maintenance > Dispatch Ticket.

  2. Double-click the dispatch ticket you would like to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button on the bottom left.

Dispatch Ticket Form


Field Name



This is the Dispatch Tickets unique

Unique identifier.


This is the description

Description of the

Dispatch TicketHere you can

dispatch ticket.



Click Font… to select the font to use when the

Dispatch Ticket

dispatch ticket is generated.

Lines Per Inch

Here you set the

The number of lines per inch for the dispatch ticket.

Paper Bin

This is where

Where your printer is getting its paper from

.  This is

, also know as the output tray on the printer.

  • Upper

  • Lower

  • Middle

  • Manual

  • Envelope

  • Env Manual

  • Auto

  • Tractor

  • Small Format

  • Large Format

  • Large Capacity

Printer Lookup Text

Shared name for your printer on your network.

Available Database Fields

This field will list

List all the available fields from the

On Demand

on demand order form that you can use in the dispatch ticket.


This is the

The line number for the position you want the Print Element to be located.


This is the

The position on the line specified in the Line column.

Print Element

This is the

The Available Database Field from the

database from the On

on demand order that you want to display on this line at the position specified.


This is the

The amount of room you can give to the Print Element specified

Date Format

The is the month, day , year format you want

Format used when dates are displayed.


Checking this box will cause the Text

When checked, enabled, the text from the Print Element

to Wrap

will wrap to the next line if the information is to long for the width of the page.

OkThis will save, and close the changes you made.CancelThis will close the Editing Dispatch Ticket form without saving your changes.ApplyThis will apply your changes without closing the form.DeleteThis will delete the dispatch ticket format.

Editing Dispatch ticket

To edit the Dispatch ticket, double click on the dispatch ticket you wish to edit.

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Once the form is open you can edit any information on the form.

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Click the cell to select the font to use when the dispatch ticket is generated.