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Specify a file format

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Specify column delimiter

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Specify column mapping

Image RemovedThe Contract Stop Import Wizard allows you to import contract route stops directly to an X Route contract, set the schedule for the stops, and specify the assigned route.

How to Use the Contract Stop Import Wizard

  1. Go to X RouteContracts


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  2. Double-click the customer contract you would like to import the contract stops to.
  3. In the top left of the Edit Contract form go to FileImport Stops
  4. Choose the .csv file you would like to import. 


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  5. If you have an import specifications file (.def file) you would like to use click the Load Import Specifications button.
  6. If your file has a header row, make sure that the box is checked and click the Next button. By default, the Text Qualifier is set to "Double Quote" which should work for most imports, but you can change this accordingly to match your document. 


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  7. Select the delimiter. This is usually a comma. 


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  8. Check that the data that will be imported looks correct and click the Next button.

  9. Set default data and check that the columns are mapped correctly then click next. 


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    titleQuick Tip

    See Specify Column Mappings below for TargetField descriptions.

  10. If you would like to save your default specifications to use in future imports (step 5) click the Save Import Specifications button.


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  11. Click the Finish button.

Specify Column Mapping

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Field NameDescription
Billing Group
Here you can enter the
The billing group from the customer form
(this can be left blank)
Here you can specify the
The group folder ID the stop should go to in route planning.
 This must be the group folder ID number and not the group folder name (this can be left blank)
This is the
Route ID
to assign the
will go
, if
. If left blank the stop will go to unassigned
(this can be left blank)(Required)  This is the
This is the stops sequence number (this can be left blank)OverRideCommissions(Required) Enter a monetary valueName(Required) Enter an Address NameAddressHere is where you enter the address for the route stop (this can be left blank)CityHere is where you enter the city for the route stop (this can be left blank)StateHere is where you enter the State of the route stop (this can be left blank)ZipHere is where you enter the zip code for the route stop (this can be left blank)Plus4Here is where you enter the Plus for of the zip code for the route stop (this can be left blank)PhoneHere you can enter a contact phone number for the route stop (this can be left blank)AttnHere you can enter any text if applicable (this can be left blank)LongRemarksHere you can enter any text if applicable (this can be left blank)ShortRemarksHere you can enter any text if applicable (this can be left blank)StopTypeHere you can specify the stop type when you import the contract stop  (this can be left blank)Pieces(Required) This is the number of pieces on the stopWeight
The order in which the stop will show up on the route. This value can be between 0 and 2,147,483,647.

Whether or not to override commissions. If left blank, this will default to 0 (No).

  • 0 - No
  • 1 - Yes
NameAddress Name. 50 character limit.
AddressThe address for the stop. 50 character limit.
CityThe city for the stop. 50 character limit.
StateThe state of the stop. 3 character limit
ZipThe zip code for the stop. 5 character limit.
Plus4The plus for of the zip code. 4 character limit.
PhoneThe contact phone number for the stop has a 50 character limit.
AttnThe Attn field has a 50 character limit.
LongRemarksLong remarks for the stop. There is a 200 character limit.
ShortRemarksShort remarks for the stop. There is a 200 character limit.

Specified stop type for the stop. This cannot have a NULL value.

  • 0 - Pickup
  • 1 - Delivery
  • 2 - Exchange
  • 3 - Meet
  • 4 - Flight
  • 5 - Start
  • 6 - End
PiecesThe number of pieces on the stop. This cannot have a NULL value.
WeightThe total weight of pieces on the stop. If left blank it will default to 1. This cannot have a NULL value.
Here you can set the

The parcel type

for the the route stop enter parcel ID from (X Dispatch Maintenance -> Parcel types) (this can be left blank)Reference1(Required)   Enter text if applicable, can leave blank.Reference2(Required)  Enter text if applicable, can leave blankRatePerOccurrence(Required)  Enter numeric dollar amount, or enter 0SettlementPerOccurranceHere you enter the driver settlement amount per occurrence (this can be left blank)NotesEnter text if applicable (this can be left blank)StopTimeMin(Required)  Stop


Reference1References for the stop. There is a 50 character limit. It cannot have a NULL value but can be left blank.
RatePerOccurrenceThe dollar amount to charge the customer for this stop.
SettlementPerOccurranceThe dollar amount to pay the driver for this stop if using a per stop pay method.
NotesNotes for the stop. There is a 2000 character limit. It cannot have a NULL value but can be left blank.

Min stop time entered in military time (XX:XX)


. If left blank, it will default to 22:00.


Enter 16:00


for 4:00PM.

(Required)  Stop

Max stop time entered in military time (XX:XX)


. If left blank, it will default to 22:00.


Enter 16:00


for 4:00PM.

(Required) Stop

Preferred stop time entered in military time (XX:XX)


. If left blank, it will default to 22:00.


Enter 16:00

= Description(Required)  Enter in description text.RateMultiplierHere you can enter the rate multiplier for the stop, if applicable (this can be left blank)DepotHere you can specify the Depot for the stop (this can be left blank)LatHere you can enter the Latitudinal point for the address (this can be left blank)LonHere you can enter the Longitudinal point for the address (this can be left blank)RouteSurchargeAdjustment(Required)  Enter numeric dollar amount, or enter 0CreatedByHere you can enter the userID performing the import (this can be left blank)CreatedWhenHere you can enter the date and time of the import (this can be left blank)UpdatedByHere you can enter the User ID

for 4:00PM.

here  you can specify if this is a child stop of another route stop (this can be left blank)
The Load To Stop ID if using Stop Chaining. (Downstream)
DescriptionDescription for the stop. There is a 250 character limit. It cannot have a NULL value but can be left blank.
RateMultiplierAmount of times to multiply the per stop charge for this stop. This can be a decimal number.
DepotThe ID for the depot for the stop.
LatLatitudinal point for the address.
LonLongitudinal point for the address.
RouteSurchargeAdjustmentThe numeric dollar amount of the route surcharge adjustment, or enter 0 for no adjustments. This will default to 0.00 if left blank.
CreatedByThe User ID of the person performing the import.
CreatedWhenThe date and time of the import.
UpdatedByThe User ID of the person performing the import if updating contract stops that already exist
(this can be left blank)
Here you can enter the date
The date and time if updating contract stops that already exist
(this can be left blank)
Enter text if applicable (this can be left blank)

Enter text if applicable (this can be left blank)
Enter text if applicable (this can be left blank)
Enter text if applicable (this can be left blank)
Enter text if applicable (this can be left blank)
Enter text if applicable (this can be left blank)ParentStopIDEnter text if applicable (this can be left blank)PostActive(Required) Post active=1, post inactive=0ETA(this can be left blank)MinOffSet(Required) This off sets the StopTimeMin, each value is 1 day.
ParentStopIDThe Load From Stop ID if using Stop Chaining. (Upstream) 

Whether or not a post is active. If left blank, the stop will post as "Active" by default.

  • 1 - Post as active
  • 0 - Post as inactive
ETAThis should be left blank/NULL. 

Offset for StopTimeMin in days.


1=1day, 2=2days and so on. use 1 and it will put the StopMintime to the next day

(Required) This off sets the StopTimeMax, each value is 1 day. value

Offsets for StopTimeMax in days.



, 2=2days


so on. use 1 and

it will put the StopmaxTime to the next day.

(Required) This off sets the
Offsets for StopTimePreferred

This will mark a stop as the load stop for the route. This is best left as 0 value and assigned when placed on the route

GlobalLoadStop(Required) value 1= Global load stop: value 2=customer load stop, best practice is to use value 0 for both load and global load stop fieldsXMobileSecondaryLookup(Required) Enter barcode information for X Mobile lookup. Ex. $cxt1234test$ Barcode (Required) Enter in the
  • 0 - All Other Scenarios
  • 1 - Customer Load Stop or Global Load Stop (depending on additional setting below)

Whether or not to mark a stop as a global load stop for the route.

  • 0 - All Other Scenarios
  • 1 - Global Load Stop
Return Stop

Whether or not to mark a stop as the return stop for the route. 

  • 0 - All Other Scenarios
  • 1 - Return Stop or Global Return Stop

Whether or not to mark the stop as a global return stop for the route.

  • 0 - All Other Scenarios
  • 1 - Global Return Stop

Barcode information for the secondary lookup. There is a 50 charachter limit and this can be NULL or left blank.


$cxt1234test$ (The barcode prefix and suffix may differ depending on your set up.)

Sun(Required) Value 1 = post on this day. Value of 0 = will not post on this day.Mon(Required) Value 1 = post on this day. Value of 0 = will not post on this day.Tue(Required) Value 1 = post on this day. Value of 0 = will not post on this day.Wed(Required) Value 1 = post on this day. Value of 0 = will not post on this day.Thu(Required) Value 1 = post on this day. Value of 0 = will not post on this day.Fri(Required) Value 1 = post on this day. Value of 0 = will not post on this day.Sat(Required) Value 1 = post on this day. Value of 0 = will not post on this day.StartDateEnter the
CustomerStopIDReference stop ID.
CustomerAccountIDCustomer account ID to reference this stop/route/location.

Whether or not the stop is a parent stop.

  • 0 - Is a parent stop
  • 1 - Is not a parent stop

The parent stop ID.

This parent/child relationship can be used for activating or deactivating posted routes on the dispatch board.  If the parent is marked as inactive, any children will also be marked inactive, and if the parent is marked as active, all of the associated children stops will be activated.

This is not for route/parcel chaining. Please see ParentStopID and ChildStopID above for route /parcel chaining.


Whether or not to post on the day of the week.

  • 0 - Will not post on this day
  • 1 - Post on this day
StartDateThe date you would like this stop to begin posting
The date that you would like this stop to end posting



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Blank Required Field

If a field is left blank that is required you will see the error below.

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Click Ok, and then back to to enter a value in the missed required fieldImage Added

This error means that there is a required field that was left blank.

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This error means that there is a field missing a required value.