X Dispatch 2013 includes an important update that enhances X Mobile functionality. This enhancement is the automatic updating of X Mobile when on-demand order fields have changed in X Dispatch. Additionally, the X Mobile device sounds a tone and the order id is identified when these fields are updated, thus easily advising delivery personnel that changes have occurred on that order. Review details below for the specific fields that update X Mobile. A useful video is also available for review here.
When changed in X Dispatch the following fields are automatically updated in X Mobile. X Mobile sounds with an audible alert and a message indicating such order changes have been received.
- Contact (Caller)
- Destination Address
- Destination Remarks
- Due time from
- Due time to
- Order Comments
- Order type
- Origin Address
- Origin Remarks
- Parcel type
- Parcel weight
- Pieces
- Ready time from
- Ready time to
- Reference 1
- Reference 2
- Reference/barcode
- Service type
- Weight
Multimedia name OrderFieldChanges.mp4