CXT Software provides a unique and useful product to its customers called Web Services that allow the transfer of data back and forth to the CXT Software suite via the Internet. The Web Service allows you to use an HTTP/HTTPS POST to inject/retrieve data from the CXT Software suite database when data is properly formatted in XML. 

Getting Started

  1. Identify technical resources
  2. Download documentation and sample files

If knowledgeable in-house or familiar local resources are not available CXT Software recommends this company for integration expertise:, email: (Wendy McDonald)

Sample classic ASP code for Online Quoting System

Sample HTML is provided below which when implemented creates a functional online quoting system using the X Web API Package. An "API" (Application Program Interface) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. Relative to the X Web API, CXT Software has created a standard interface to be used by customers to quickly and easily create their own unique work-flow applications using X Dispatch as its foundation.

Four fields must be replaced to implement the code below, these fields are:

  1. - URL of the X Internet website.
  2. userID - User ID required to access website.
  3. password - Password required for User ID.
  4. 0000 - CXT Software customer number. Should be known, however CXT Software support services can provide it if necessary.

Dim objXMLHTTP : set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
Dim strRequest, strResult, strURL

strURL = ""

' ----------------------------

strRequest ="<?xml version=""1.0""  encoding=""ISO-8859-1""?>" _
& "<OrderRequest  xmlns:xsi="""">" _
& "<UserID>userID</UserID>" _
& "<Password>password</Password>" _
& "<EncryptedPassword>true</EncryptedPassword>" _
& "<CustID>1001</CustID>" _
& "<Origin>" _
&   "<Address>" _
&     "<AddressTitle>Sample Origin</AddressTitle>" _
&     "<StreetAddr>3030 N Central Ave</StreetAddr>" _
&     "<SuiteNumber></SuiteNumber>" _
&     "<City>Phoenix</City>" _
&     "<StateProvince>AZ</StateProvince>" _
&     "<Country>USA</Country>" _
&     "<ZipCode>85012</ZipCode>" _
&     "<ZipCodeExt></ZipCodeExt>" _
&   "</Address>" _
&   "<ContactName>Origin Contact Person</ContactName>" _
&   "<ContactPhone>650-324-2777</ContactPhone>" _
&   "<ContactEmail></ContactEmail>" _
&   "<Remarks></Remarks>" _
&  "</Origin>" _
&  "<Destination>" _
&  "<Address>" _
&    "<AddressTitle>Sample Destination</AddressTitle>" _
&     "<StreetAddr>3350 N Central Ave</StreetAddr>" _
&     "<SuiteNumber></SuiteNumber>" _
&     "<City>Phoenix</City>" _
&     "<StateProvince>AZ</StateProvince>" _
&     "<Country>USA</Country>" _
&     "<ZipCode>85012</ZipCode>" _
&     "<ZipCodeExt></ZipCodeExt>" _
&    "</Address>" _
&    "<ContactName>Destinantion Contact</ContactName>" _
&    "<ContactPhone>408-489-8688</ContactPhone>" _
&    "<ContactEmail></ContactEmail>" _
&  "</Destination>" _
&  "<ParcelInfo>" _
&    "<Pieces>20</Pieces>" _
&    "<TotalWeight>500</TotalWeight>" _
&    "<Value></Value>" _
&    "<PickUpTime>08:00T2009/05/14</PickUpTime>" _
&    "<Reference1>5551212</Reference1>" _
&    "<Reference2>1223334444</Reference2>" _
&    "<BillingGroup></BillingGroup>" _
&    "<RequestOrderType>0</RequestOrderType>" _
&    "<RequestServiceType></RequestServiceType>" _
&    "<RequestDeliverTime>17:00T2009/05/14</RequestDeliverTime>" _
&  "</ParcelInfo>" _
& "</OrderRequest>"

' ----------------------------------- "post", "" & strURL & "", False

objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(strRequest)

'send the request and capture the result
Call objXMLHTTP.send(strRequest)
strResult = objXMLHTTP.responseText

'display the XML
'response.write strResult


set xmldoc=CreateObject("msxml2.domdocument")
xmldoc.loadXML strResult

set node1 = xmldoc.selectSingleNode("/OrderResponse/Option/Type")
set node2 = xmldoc.selectSingleNode("/OrderResponse/Option/Rate")
if node1 is nothing then
response.write "No Rate"
response.write "Delivery Type:      " & node1.text & "<br>"
response.write "Estimated Charges: $" & node2.text & "<br><br><br>"
end if



Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
xmlDoc.async = true

Set xmlList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Rate")
    For Each xmlItem In xmlList
        Response.Write ""
        Response.Write "Rates: " & xmlItem.childNodes(0).text & "<br>"

<b>This is a nice little HTML table with all the rates from the response XML<b>

Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
xmlDoc.async = true

Response.Write "<table align=left border=1><tr><td>Order Type</td><td>Pickup Time</td><td>Delivery Time</td><td>Rate</td></tr>"

Set xmlList = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Option")
    For Each xmlItem In xmlList
        Response.Write "<tr>"
        Response.Write "<td>" & xmlItem.getElementsByTagName("Type")(0).text & "</td>"
        Response.Write "<td>" & xmlItem.getElementsByTagName("PickupTime")(0).text & "</td>"
        Response.Write "<td>" & xmlItem.getElementsByTagName("DeliveryTime")(0).text & "</td>"
        Response.Write "<td>" & xmlItem.getElementsByTagName("Rate")(0).text & "</td>"
        Response.Write "</tr>"

    Response.Write "</table>"



<b>This is the response XML</b>
<table BORDERCOLOR=RED align=left border=1 Style="border-style:dotted;"><tr><td>
<textarea rows="100" cols="120">
<% response.write strResult %>