You can validate/geocode addresses. Geocoding is a process of converting addresses into geographic coordinates.  Users are able to validate and re-validate previously validated addresses using the 'Bulk Address Validation' tool.  


If an address cannot be validated, the distance calculation will be based of the center of the zip code provided.

If an address cannot be validated, the distance calculation will be based of the center of the zip code provided.

What Does Bulk Address Validation Do?

When to Use Bulk Address Validation

Running the Bulk Address Validation tool can affect rate charts that are set to rate by mileage. See When Not to Use Bulk Address Validation.

When Not to Use Bulk Address Validation

Address points that have been manually overridden. Re-validating these addresses will remove the manual override and could cause changes to the distance calculation.

Do not check the box to include previously validated addresses before processing if you do not want price calculations to possibly change any time an address is re-validated.

Once a change to an address has been made through the Address Validation tool, it cannot be undone and the change will overwrite anything that is currently saved in the Database.

How to use Bulk Address Validation

  1. Go to Tools > Validate Addresses

  2. The Bulk Address Validation form is displayed, choose a type of address to update from the dropdown. 

  3. To further limit which addresses are validated, use the Where name begins with field.

  4. To include previously validated addresses to be re-validated, check Include previously validated addresses.  

  5. Click the Process button once the desired options have been set. 

Bulk Validation Results

Addresses that are processed and validated are immediately updated in the database. Once the tool has completed validating the addresses, you can see which addresses were successfully validated and if any failed.  The bottom of the form shows the total number of records processed and number of successful and failed address.