The HR Time/Mileage Report lists the hours worked or miles traveled for employees within a time frame based on the Time Clock feature calculating the difference between the clock in/out times and the beginning/ending odometer readings. 

Go to Report >Time/Mileage Report.

Field Name



The name of the report you are generating. Changing this from “Time/Mileage Report” will change the report that will be displayed.

Begin Date

The start date range for the Time/Mileage Report.

End Date

The end date range for the Time/Mileage Report.

HR ID/Login

The human rerource id. Leaving this blank will display all.

Show Totals Only

Checking this will only show the totals for Time Worked and distance driven.

Show Hourly Pay Rate

Checking this will show the hourly pay rate for the human resource listed on the human resource record.

Show Mileage

Checking this will show the number of miles driven for each driver, based upon the odometer entries on the Time Clock.
