In some cases it would be necessary to invoice a customer outside of their normal billing cycle.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Maintenance -> Billing Cycles.

  2. Here you will need to create a new billing cycle that will be specifically used to bill the customers outside  their normal Billing Cycle.  You can call the new Billing cycle whatever will help you remember that it is used to bill customer outside their normal billing cycle.  In this example I will be calling it "One Off".  When in the Billing Cycle section of X Dispatch, enter a new Billing Cycle ID, and then enter the Description.  Once that has been entered click The Save icon.

  3. Once you have saved the new Billing Cycle, you will need to set the Customer to the new billing cycle.   Go to X Dispatch -> Customers, and double click on the customer you would like to update with the new Billing cycle.

  4. Once the customer form opens click on the Accounting Tab, and update the Billing Cycle field with the new billing cycle by clicking on the drop down menu, selecting it, and then clicking save.

  5. Now that the customer has been set up to use the new Billing Cycle you can then generate the invoice for the new Billing Cycle.  Go to the Invoice Center, click File, and select New Batch.

  6. Once the Create Invoice Batches form opens, you will need to select the Billing Cycle you want to run the batch for, and set the date parameters.  Once that is set click the Process button.

Finally, once you have run the batch, and finished billing the customer outside their normal cycle you will then need to change the customer back to their normal Billing Cycle, once that has been done you can go about invoicing them on their normal billing cycle.