Requires Nextstop Mobile 2.6 or newer.

The number of stops displayed in the stops list can be limited in the Mobile Option Sets by enabling Number Of Stops To Display In The Stops List. This setting is for each route and/or on demand order grouping assigned to the driver. Consolidated stops will display as one stop. 

Enabling the Number Of Stops To Display In The Stops List will force the driver to use the Show Stops By "Itinerary" setting which the driver will no be able to change from their mobile device.

Step-by-step Guide

  1. Go to MaintenanceMobile Option Set.
  2. Selecting "Enabled" for Number Of Stops To Display In The Stops List in the Stops Workflow section. 

  3. Enter the number of stops you would like to display.
  4. Select how you would like to limit the number of stops displayed.
  5. Click the save icon .

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