Stamp Rate Chart Types - Use custom stored procedure

"Use custom stored procedure" is used to apply a custom rating procedure. Enter the stored procedure name in "Proc Name". 

How to Create a New Use custom stored procedure Stamp Rate Chart

  1. Click the arrow next to the New button, or press the N key.

  2. Click Stamp Rate Chart.

  3. Under Chart Type select "Use custom stored procedure". 

  4. Select the Rate zone to be used .

  5. For Proc Name, enter the custom stored procedure to be used when calculating the rate.

  6. Click Apply to save the rate chart and keep it open or click OK to save and close the rate chart.

See Base Rate Charts - New / Edit Stamp Rate Charts for more information on base rate charts.

Quick Tip: Stamp rate charts include item charges in the Items tab.


Route stops using stamp rate Chart ID 1 will rate based upon the custom stored procedure "ENTER STORED PROC NAME HERE".