User Permissions - Definitions

User Permissions - Definitions

This page is for the Operations App. For the Classic Operations App please see User Permissions - Definitions (Classic Operations App).

Always Start at Home URL

When enabled, the Home URL in Global Options will be used as the starting page whenever the user starts the Operations App.

X Dispatch Functions


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the On-DemandOrders section. See Orders.





Edit Orders

Allow the user to edit orders that have not been dispatched, invoiced, or settled.

Edit Dispatched Orders

Allow the user to edit orders that have been dispatched.

Edit Rates

Allow the user to add/edit rates of orders.

Edit Item Quantities

Allow the user to edit item quantities on orders.

Edit Order Distance

Allow the user to edit and override the calculated distance on orders at the bottom left of the order form. See Orders.

Edit Parcel Items 

Allow the user to edit parcel items on orders.

Edit Customer Notes

Allow the user to edit Customer Notes from the associated Customer Record through the order form. 

Cancel Orders

Allow the user to cancel orders.

Unlock Rates

Allow the user to lock/unlock rates on orders.

Unlock Driver Pay

Allow the user to lock/unlock driver pay on orders. 

Bulk order updates contain an option to re-rate locked orders and driver pay. See Bulk Order Update - Recurring Orders

Edit Override Pay

Allow the user to edit the driver Pay Amount on orders.

View Charges

Allow the user to view Charges on orders.

View Driver Pay Amounts

Allow the user to view the diver Pay Amount on orders.

View Driver Pay Percents

Allow the user to view the driver pay Percent on orders.

View Order Parcels

Allow the user to view parcels on orders.

Edit Order Parcels

Allow the user to edit parcels on orders.

Allow Spell Check of Orders

Enables spell check when the user is adding or editing orders. 

This overrides the Global Option "Enable spell check". See Global Options.

Allow Surcharge Override

Give the user the ability to zero out or change the surcharge amount on individual orders. See How to Change the Price of Surcharge Items on Individual Order. 

View Miscellaneous Data

Allow the user to view Miscellaneous Data.

View Miscellaneous Order Parcel Data

Allow the user to view miscellaneous order parcel data.

Edit Invoiced Orders

Allow the user to edit orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced Order Status

Allow the user to edit the status of orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced Attachments

Allow the user to edit attachments of orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced Comments

Allow the user to edit comments of orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced Driver Pay

Allow the user to edit the driver pay of orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced All Other

Allow the user to edit information not mentioned above on orders that have been invoiced.

Edit Settled Orders

Allow the user to edit orders that have been settled.

  • Edit Settled Order Status

Allow the user to edit the status of orders that have been settled.

  • Edit Settled Attachments

Allow the user to edit attachments of orders that have been settled.

  • Edit Settled Comments

Allow the user to edit comments of orders that have been settled.

  • Edit Settled All Other

Allow the user to edit information not mentioned above on orders that have been settled.


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the On-DemandCustomers  or MaintenanceCustomers section. See Customers - New/Edit Customer.





Edit Customers

Allow the user to edit customer records.

Delete Customers

Allow the user to delete customer records.

Edit Credit Card Data

Allow the user to edit the credit card information of a customer.

Edit Customer Billing Status

Allow the user to edit the Account Status in the Accounting tab of the customer record.

Edit Rate Charts & Adjustment %

Allow the user to edit the rate charts and adjustment percentages in the Accounting tab of the customer record.

Edit Sales Commissions

Allow the user to edit Commissions on customer records.

View Credit Limits

Allow the user to view customer credit limits.

Edit Credit Limits

Allow the user to edit customer credit limits. See How to Set Up and Use the Credit Limits Feature.

Import Credit Limit Data

Allow the user to import credit limit data in Actions > Import A/R Data.

Order Type Overrides

Allow the user to view and/or edit Order Type Overrides in the Accounting tab.

  • View Overrides Summary

Allow the user to view a summary of the order types overrides.

  • View Overrides Detail

Allow the user to view the details of the order type overrides.

  • Edit Overrides Detail

Allow the user to edit order type overrides.


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the On-DemandDispatch section. See On-Demand - Dispatch.





Allowed Fleets

The selected fleets the user has access to.

Expand to select which fleets the user has access to.

Save Dispatch Layout

Allow the user to save the dispatch layout. See Grid Layouts on the Dispatch Board

Custom Dispatch Layouts

Allow the user to use custom dispatch layouts. See Grid Layouts on the Dispatch Board.

  • Create Custom Dispatch Layouts

Allow the user to create custom dispatch layouts.

  • Edit Custom Dispatch Layouts

Allow the user to edit custom dispatch layouts.

  • Delete Custom Dispatch Layouts

Allow the user to delete custom dispatch layouts.

Text Messaging Distribution Groups

Allow the user to send a message to a distribution group. See Sending a Message to Mobile User from the Operations App.

  • Edit Text Messaging Distribution Groups

Allow the user to edit or create a distribution group.

Recurring Orders

The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the On-DemandRecurring section. See Recurring Order.
