User Permissions - Definitions

User Permissions - Definitions

This page is for the Operations App. For the Classic Operations App please see User Permissions - Definitions (Classic Operations App).

Always Start at Home URL

When enabled, the Home URL in Global Options will be used as the starting page whenever the user starts the Operations App.

X Dispatch Functions


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the On-DemandOrders section. See Orders.





Edit Orders

Allow the user to edit orders that have not been dispatched, invoiced, or settled.

Edit Dispatched Orders

Allow the user to edit orders that have been dispatched.

Edit Rates

Allow the user to add/edit rates of orders.

Edit Item Quantities

Allow the user to edit item quantities on orders.

Edit Order Distance

Allow the user to edit and override the calculated distance on orders at the bottom left of the order form. See Orders.

Edit Parcel Items 

Allow the user to edit parcel items on orders.

Edit Customer Notes

Allow the user to edit Customer Notes from the associated Customer Record through the order form. 

Cancel Orders

Allow the user to cancel orders.

Unlock Rates

Allow the user to lock/unlock rates on orders.

Unlock Driver Pay

Allow the user to lock/unlock driver pay on orders. 

Bulk order updates contain an option to re-rate locked orders and driver pay. See Bulk Order Update - Recurring Orders

Edit Override Pay

Allow the user to edit the driver Pay Amount on orders.

View Charges

Allow the user to view Charges on orders.

View Driver Pay Amounts

Allow the user to view the diver Pay Amount on orders.

View Driver Pay Percents

Allow the user to view the driver pay Percent on orders.

View Order Parcels

Allow the user to view parcels on orders.

Edit Order Parcels

Allow the user to edit parcels on orders.

Allow Spell Check of Orders

Enables spell check when the user is adding or editing orders. 

This overrides the Global Option "Enable spell check". See Global Options.

Allow Surcharge Override

Give the user the ability to zero out or change the surcharge amount on individual orders. See How to Change the Price of Surcharge Items on Individual Order. 

View Miscellaneous Data

Allow the user to view Miscellaneous Data.

View Miscellaneous Order Parcel Data

Allow the user to view miscellaneous order parcel data.

Edit Invoiced Orders

Allow the user to edit orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced Order Status

Allow the user to edit the status of orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced Attachments

Allow the user to edit attachments of orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced Comments

Allow the user to edit comments of orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced Driver Pay

Allow the user to edit the driver pay of orders that have been invoiced.

  • Edit Invoiced All Other

Allow the user to edit information not mentioned above on orders that have been invoiced.

Edit Settled Orders

Allow the user to edit orders that have been settled.

  • Edit Settled Order Status

Allow the user to edit the status of orders that have been settled.

  • Edit Settled Attachments

Allow the user to edit attachments of orders that have been settled.

  • Edit Settled Comments

Allow the user to edit comments of orders that have been settled.

  • Edit Settled All Other

Allow the user to edit information not mentioned above on orders that have been settled.


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the On-DemandCustomers  or MaintenanceCustomers section. See Customers - New/Edit Customer.





Edit Customers

Allow the user to edit customer records.

Delete Customers

Allow the user to delete customer records.

Edit Credit Card Data

Allow the user to edit the credit card information of a customer.

Edit Customer Billing Status

Allow the user to edit the Account Status in the Accounting tab of the customer record.

Edit Rate Charts & Adjustment %

Allow the user to edit the rate charts and adjustment percentages in the Accounting tab of the customer record.

Edit Sales Commissions

Allow the user to edit Commissions on customer records.

View Credit Limits

Allow the user to view customer credit limits.

Edit Credit Limits

Allow the user to edit customer credit limits. See How to Set Up and Use the Credit Limits Feature.

Import Credit Limit Data

Allow the user to import credit limit data in Actions > Import A/R Data.

Order Type Overrides

Allow the user to view and/or edit Order Type Overrides in the Accounting tab.

  • View Overrides Summary

Allow the user to view a summary of the order types overrides.

  • View Overrides Detail

Allow the user to view the details of the order type overrides.

  • Edit Overrides Detail

Allow the user to edit order type overrides.


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the On-DemandDispatch section. See On-Demand - Dispatch.





Allowed Fleets

The selected fleets the user has access to.

Expand to select which fleets the user has access to.

Save Dispatch Layout

Allow the user to save the dispatch layout. See Grid Layouts on the Dispatch Board

Custom Dispatch Layouts

Allow the user to use custom dispatch layouts. See Grid Layouts on the Dispatch Board.

  • Create Custom Dispatch Layouts

Allow the user to create custom dispatch layouts.

  • Edit Custom Dispatch Layouts

Allow the user to edit custom dispatch layouts.

  • Delete Custom Dispatch Layouts

Allow the user to delete custom dispatch layouts.

Text Messaging Distribution Groups

Allow the user to send a message to a distribution group. See Sending a Message to Mobile User from the Operations App.

  • Edit Text Messaging Distribution Groups

Allow the user to edit or create a distribution group.

Recurring Orders

The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the On-DemandRecurring section. See Recurring Order.





Edit Recurring Orders

Allow the user to edit recurring orders.

Edit Recurring Rates

Allow the user to edit rates on recurring orders.

Edit Recurring Item Quantities

Allow the user to edit the item quantities of recurring orders. 

Consolidation Manifests

The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the On-DemandConsolidation Manifest section. See Consolidation Manifest.





Edit Consolidation Manifests

Allow the user to edit consolidation manifests.

Delete Consolidation Manifests

Allow the user to delete consolidation manifests.

Visual Dispatch 

This permission control whether the user can access the Visual Dispatch (BETA) section. See Visual Dispatch.

Client Portal Settings

The following permissions control whether the user can view and/or edit configurations in the Client Portal Settings.





Barcode and Import Configuration

Allow the user to view the Client Portal's barcode and import configuration data which gives internet users the ability to scan 2D barcodes that can populate all order field data.

  • Edit Barcode and Import Configuration

Allow the user to edit the Client Portal’s barcode and import configuration data which gives internet users the ability to scan barcodes that can populate all order field data.


Allow the user to view the customization page that controls theme colors, font, logo, and text change translations for the Client Portal. See Customization.

  • Edit Customization

Allow the user to edit the customization page that controls theme colors, font, logo, and text change translations for the Client Portal. See Customization.

Tracking Configuration

Allow the user to view/edit Tracking Configuration in the Operations App. See Tracking Configuration.

Route Functions


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the X RouteContracts section. See Contracts.





Add Contracts

Allow the user to add contracts.

Edit Contracts

Allow the user to edit contracts.

Edit Contract Rates

Allow the user to edit contract rates. 

Delete Contracts

Allow the user to delete contracts.

View Contract Rates

Allow the user to view contract rates.

Contract Stops

The following permissions control whether the user can view and/or edit contract stops. See Contract Stops - New / Edit Contract Stops.





Add Contract Stops

Allow the user to add contract stops.

Edit Contract Stops

Allow the user to edit contract stops.

Edit Contract Stop Rates

Allow the user to edit contract stop rates.

Edit Contract Stop Remarks

Allow the user to contract stop remarks.

Edit Contract Stop Schedule

Allow the user to edit contract stop schedules. See Recurrence Schedule.

Delete Contract Stops

Allow the user to delete contract stops.

View Contract Stop Rates

Allow the user to view contract stop rates.

Distribution Stamps

The following permissions control whether the user can view and/or edit the Stamps section. See X Route - Stamps.





Edit Distribution Stamps

Allow the user to edit distribution stamps.

Delete Distribution Stamps

Allow the user to delete distribution stamps.

Route Planning

The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the X RoutePlanning section. See Planning.





View Route Pay

Allow the user to view route pay.

Edit Route Pay

Allow the user to edit route pay.

View Driver Surcharge

Allow the user to view driver surcharge.

Edit Driver Surcharge

Allow the user to edit driver surcharge. 


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the X RouteParcels section. See Parcels.





Delete Parcels

Allow the user to delete parcels.

Edit Parcels

Allow the user to edit parcels.

View Miscellaneous Route Stop Parcel Data

Allow the user to view miscellaneous route stop parcel data.


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the X RouteDispatch section. See X Route - Dispatch.





Delete Contract Route Stops

Allow the user to delete contract route stops.

Edit Posted Route Stop Rates

Allow the user to edit rates on posted route stops.

Print All Route Manifests

Allow the user to print all route manifests.

Edit Invoiced Route Stops

Allow the user to edit invoiced route stops.

Save Route Layouts

Allow the user to save route layouts on the dispatch board.

View Miscellaneous Data

Allow the user to view Miscellaneous Data.

Custom Route Layouts

Allow the user to use custom layouts on the Route Dispatch board.

  • Create Custom Route Layouts

Allow the user to create custom layouts on Route Dispatch board. 

  • Edit Custom Route Layouts

Allow the user to edit custom layouts on the Route Dispatch Board. 

  • Delete Custom Route Layouts

Allow the user to delete custom layouts on the Route Dispatch Board,

Route Sort Rules

The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the X RouteRoute Sort Rules section. See Route Sort Rules.





Edit Route Sort Rules

Allow the user to edit route sort rules.

Driver Route Pay

The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in right-click menu option Set Driver Pay in the Active Routes section of the X Route > Dispatch board.





Edit Driver Route Pay

Allow the user to edit driver route pay.

Edit Settled Driver Route Pay

Allow the user to edit settled driver route pay. 

Edit Route Import Schedules

This permission allows the user to edit imported route schedules.

Route Stops

The following permissions control whether the user can view and/or edit route stops. See Dispatch - New / Edit Posted Route Stop.





Add Route Stops 

Allow the user to add route stops.

Activate/Deactivate Route Stops 

Allow the user to activate/deactivate route stops on the route stop form and the route manifest.

  • Include Completed Stops

Allow the user to activate/deactivate route stops that have been completed.

Delete Route Stops 

Allow the user to delete route stops.

Restricted Viewing for Posted Route Stops (Options→X Route)

Restricts the user's ability to view posted route stop based on the Global Options in the X Route tab "Allow number of days to view posted route stops". See Global Options.

Restricted Editing for Posted Route Stops (Options→X Route)

Restricts the user's ability to edit a posted route stop based on the Global Options in the X Route tab "Allow number of days to edit posted route stops". See Global Options.

Edit Item Quantities

Allow the user to edit the quantities of existing items, including pieces and weight fields, and add new items in the Rates section of route stops. 

Edit User Fields

Allow the user to edit user fields on route stops.

Edit Parcel Items 

Allow the user to edit parcel items on orders. route stop. 

Edit Route Stops All Other 

Allow the user to other route stop information not listed in the permissions above. 

X Stream

This permission control whether the user can access the X Stream section. See X Stream.

Maintenance Functions 

The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the Maintenance section. See Maintenance.






Allow the user to view the MaintenanceAddress section. See Addresses.

  • Edit Addresses

Allow the user to edit addresses entered through the Operations App.

  • Edit Inet Address

Allow the user to edit addresses entered by an internet user through your website and/or API. See Internet Users

  • Address Validate Override

Allow the user to override address validation.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceAgents section. See Agents.

  • Edit Agents

Allow the user to edit agents.

Billing Cycles

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceBilling Cycles section. See Billing Cycles.

  • Edit Billing Cycles

Allow the user to edit billing cycles.

Client Portal Settings

Allow the user to view the Client Portal Settings.

  • Barcode and Import Configuration

Allow the user to view the Client Portal's barcode and import configuration data which gives internet users the ability to scan 2D barcodes that can populate all order field data.

  • Customizations

Allow the user to view and edit Client Portal Customizations that controls theme colors, font, logo, and text change translations for the Client Portal. See Customization.

  • Tracking Configuration

Allow the user to view/edit Tracking Configuration in the Operations App. See Tracking Configuration.

Credit Card Types

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceCredit Card Types section. See Credit Card Types.

  • Edit Credit Card Types

Allow the user to edit credit card types.

CRM Fields

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceCRM Fields section. See CRM Fields.

  • Edit CRM Fields

Allow the user to edit CRM fields.

  • Delete CRM Fields

Allow the user to delete CRM fields.

Custom Procedures

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceCustom Procedures section. See Custom Procedures.

  • Edit Custom Procedures

Allow the user to edit custom procedures.

  • Allowed Custom Procedures

Allow the user to utilize custom procedures. 

Expand to select specific custom procedures.

Custom Report Formats

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceCustom Report Formats section. See Custom Report Formats.

  • Edit Custom Report Formats

Allow the user to edit custom report formats.

Custom Tables

Allow the user to  view the MaintenanceCustom Tables section.

  • View Custom Tables

Allow the user to view custom tables.

  • Edit Custom Tables

Allow the user to edit custom tables.

Customer Sources

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceCustomer Sources section. See Customer Sources.

  • Edit Customer Sources

Allow the user to edit customer sources.

Customer Types

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceCustomer Types section. See Customer Types.

  • Edit Customer Types

Allow the user to customer types.

Deduction Items

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceDeduction Items section. See Deduction Items.

  • Edit Deduction Items

Allow the user to edit deduction items.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceDepots section. See Depots.

  • Edit Depots

Allow the user to edit depots.

Dispatch Tickets

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceDispatch Tickets section. See Dispatch Tickets - New / Edit Dispatch Ticket.

  • Edit Dispatch Tickets

Allow the user to edit dispatch tickets.

Distribution Centers


  • Edit Distribution Centers

Allow the user to edit distribution centers.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceDrivers section. See Drivers.

  • Edit Drivers

Allow the user to edit drivers.


Allow the user to view and make edits in the MaintenanceGeofencing section. See Geofences

GL Accounts

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceGL Accounts section. See GL Accounts.

  • Edit GL Accounts

Allow the user to edit GL accounts.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceHolidays section. See  Holidays.

  • Edit Holidays

Allow the user to edit holidays.

Holiday Post Schedule

See Holiday Posting Schedules.

  • Edit Holiday Post Schedule

Allow the user to edit holiday posting schedules.

Human Resources

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceHuman Resources section. See  Human Resources.

  • Edit Human Resources

Allow the user to edit human resources. 

  • View Contractors

Allow the user to view contractors.

  • View Employees

Allow the user to view employees.

  • View HR Advanced Information

Allow the user to view the information in the tabs other than the General tab. 

  • View Passwords



Allow the user to view the MaintenanceImages section. See  Images.

  • Edit Images

Allow the user to edit images.

Internet Users

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceInternet Users section. See  Internet Users.

  • Edit Internet Users

Allow the user to edit internet users.

  • View Passwords

Allow the user to view internet user passwords.

  • Allow Superuser Temp Password

Allow the user to create a temporary superuser. See How to Use a Temporary Password as a Superuser.

  • Contract Stop Alerts

Allow the user to access and view the Contract Stop Alerts tab in the Internet User records.

  • - Edit Stops 

Allow the user to enable/disable the contract stops list within the Available and Selected Contract Stops containers in the Contract Stop Alerts tab in the Internet User records.

  • - Edit Alert Messages

Allow the user to switch between the Global and Internet user Alert Enforcement and edit the internet user-specific and global message alert text within the field on the Contract Stop Alerts tab in the Internet User records.

Invoice Formats

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceInvoice Formats section. See  Invoice Formats - New / Edit Invoice Format.

  • Edit Invoice Formats

Allow the user to edit invoice formats.

  • Edit Layouts

Allow the user to edit invoice format layouts.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceItems section. See Items.

  • Edit Items

Allow the user to edit items.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceLabels section and add/remove existing labels to records that can be tagged.. See Labels.

  • Edit Labels

Allow the user to create new labels and edit existing labels. 

Message Formats

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceMessage Formats section. See Message Formats.

  • Edit Message Formats

Allow the user to edit message formats.

Mobile Option Sets

Allow the user to view and make edits in the MaintenanceMobile Option Sets section, and allow the user to make edits to the Mobile Options tab on a driver record. See Mobile Option Sets and Drivers.

Mobile Users

Allow the user to make edits to the Mobile Options tab on the driver record. See Drivers.

Note Types

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceNote Types section. See Note Types (Classic Operations App).

  • Edit Note Types

Allow the user to edit note types.

Order Types

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceOrder Types section. See Order Types.

  • Edit Order Types

Allow the user to edit order types.

Parcel Items

Allow the user to view the Maintenance > Parcel Items section. See Parcel Items.

  • Edit Parcel Items

Allow the user to edit parcel items. 

Parcel Types

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceParcel Types section. See Parcel Types.

  • Edit Parcel Types

Allow the user to edit parcel types.

X Internet Localization Captions

Allow access to the Maintenance > Internet Localization Captions section. See Internet Localization Captions.

  • Edit X Internet Localization Captions

Allow the user to edit X Internet localization captions.


Allow the user to view the MaintenancePermissions section. See Users.

  • Edit Permissions

Allow the user to edit permissions. 

  • View Other's Permissions

Allow the user to view other users' permissions.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceRate Charts section. See Rate Charts.

  • Edit Rates

Allow the user to edit rates.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceReminders section. See Reminders.

  • Edit Reminders

Allow the user to edit reminders.

Sales Tax

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceSales Tax section. See Sales Tax.

  • Edit Sales Tax

Allow the user to edit sales tax.

Service Types

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceService Types section. See Service Types.

  • Edit Service Types

Allow the user to edit service types.

Status Codes 

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceStatus Codes section. See Status Codes.

  • Edit Status Codes

Allow the user to edit status codes.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceStreets section. See Streets.

  • Edit Streets

Allow the user to edit streets.

Time Punches

Allow the user to view the Maintenance > Time Punches section. See Time Punches.

  • Edit Time Punches

Allow the user to edit time punches.

User Fields

Allow the user to view the MaintenanceUser Fields section. See User Fields.

  • Edit User Fields

Allow the user to edit user fields.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceVehicles section. See Vehicles.

  • Edit Vehicles

Allow the user to vehicles.


Allow the user to view the MaintenanceZones section. See Zones.

  • Edit Zones

Allow the user to edit zones.

Business Units

The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the Maintenance > Business Units section. See Business Units.





Edit Business Units

Allow the user to edit business units. 

Allowed Business Units

The selected business units the user has access to.

Expand to select which business units the user has access to.


The following permissions control what the user can view and/or edit in the Maintenance > Fleets section. See Fleets.





Edit Fleets

Allow the user to edit fleets.


The following permissions control what the user can access in the Action menu. See Action.





Post Recurring Orders

Allow the user to post recurring orders. See Post Recurring Orders or Routes.

Unpost Recurring Orders

Allow the user to unpost recurring orders.

Manually Requeue Event SQL

Allow the user to execute SQL statements for a route stop or order that is associated with message formats without triggering the email notification on the message format. See Requeue the Advanced SQL for a specific event for any Route Stop/On-Demand Order.

Post Routes

Allow the user to post routes.

Unpost Routes

Allow the user to unpost routes and route ASN's.

Process Credit Card Orders

Allow the user to process credit card orders. See Process Credit Cards.

Archive / Purge

Allow the user to archive or purge data in the Classic Operations App. See Purge.

Delete Old Address Points

Allow the user to delete old addresses.

Switch Dispatch Email Systems

Allow the user to change the dispatch email systems.

Broadcast Messages

Allow the user to edit the broadcast message. See Edit Broadcast Messages.

Order Parcels Scanning

Allow the user to Check In/Out Order Parcels. 

  • Scan Parcels

Allow the user to scan parcels.

  • Delete Parcels

Allow the user to delete parcels. 


Allow the user to the Invoice Center. Invoices - Invoice Center.

  • Create Invoices

Allow the user to create invoice batches. How to Create a New Invoice Batch

  • Cancel Invoices

Allow the user to cancel invoice batches.

  • Preview/Print Invoices

Allow the user to preview and/or print invoices.


Allow the user to view settlements. 

  • Create Settlements

Allow the user to create settlements. See Settlements - Create Settlements.

  • Cancel Settlements

Allow the user to cancel settlements. See Cancel Settlements.

Mail Manager

Allow the user to access the mail manager. See Mail Manager.

  • Clear Out Box

Allow the user to clear all the messages in the outbox.

  • Clear Logs

Allow the user to clear all of the mail manager logs.

  • Edit Profiles

Allow the user to edit profiles.

  • Select Profiles

Allow the user to select profiles.

Time Clock

Allow the user to use the time clock to punch in/out.

  • Edit Times

Allow the user to edit the time and date.

  • Edit Vehicle

Allow the user to edit the vehicle.

Weight Scan

Allow the user to weigh parcels using a digital scale. See Weight Scan.

  • Update Weights Manually

Allow the user to update the weights manually.

  • Update Dimensions/Weights Manually

Allow the user to update dimensions and weights manually.


The following permissions control what the user can access in the Tools menu. See Tools.






Allow the user to view and edit Global Options. See Global Options.

License Wizard


Bulk Address Validation

Allow the user to Validate Addresses... See Bulk Address Validation.

Conversion Wizard

Allow the user to use/access the Conversion Wizard... See Conversion Wizard.

Surcharge Wizard

Allow the user to use the Surcharge Wizard. See Surcharge Wizard.

Conversion Import

Allow the user to import data using the conversion wizard. 

Conversion Export

Allow the user to export data using the conversion wizard. 

Adjust Stop Time Wizard

Allow the user to use the Adjust Time Wizard. See Bulk Adjustments to Contract or Route Stop Time Windows.

Bulk Rerate Wizard

Allow the user to do bulk order updates. See Bulk Order Update - Recurring Orders

  • Base Rate 

Allow the user to re-calculate the Base Rate on orders.

  • Items

Allow the user to recalculate Items  and Re-calculate Distance on orders.

  • Surcharges

Allow the user to re-calculate Surcharges on orders.

  • Locked Rates

Allow the user to Allow changes to Orders with locked rates/pay for driver pay on orders.


Allow user to view Current Tasks.

  • Edit Tasks

Allow the user to edit tasks. 

  • Delete Tasks

Allow the user to delete tasks.

  • Show Popup Task Reminders

Allow the user to see popup task reminders.

Route Optimization

Allow the user to enable and edit route optimization settings. See Route Optimization.

  • Override Global Settings

Allow the user to override the Basic Optimization settings from the dispatch board. This does not apply to Assisted/Autonomous Dispatch settings.


The following permissions control what the user can access in the Report menu. See Report.





Ignore Report Time Limits

Allow the user to run reports/settlements that exceed 31 days.

Rate Sheets

Allow the user to run the Rate Sheet report. See Report - Rate Sheets.

Inactive Drivers

Allow the user to run the Inactive Drivers report. See Inactive Drivers.

Sales By Customer

Allow the user to run the Sales By Customer report. See Sales By Customer.

Sale By Driver

Allow the user to run the Sales By Driver report. See Sales By Driver.

Sales By Dispatch Zome

Allow the user to run the Sales By Dispatch Zone report. See Sales By Dispatch Zone.

Sales By Order Type

Allow the user to run the Sales By Order Type report. See Sales By Order Type.

Sales By Rep

Allow the user to run the Sales By Rep report. See Sales By Rep.

Sales By Hour

Allow the user to run the Hourly On-Demand Sales report. See Report - Sales By Hour.

Sales By Day

Allow the user to run the Daily On-Demand Sales report. See Report - Sales By Day

Sales By Date

Allow the user to run the Daily On-Demand Sales report. See Report - Sales By Date  

Customer Summary

Allow the user to run the Customer Summary report. See Customer Summary.

Driver Settlements

Allow the user to run the Estimated Delivery Commissions Report. See How to Use the Estimated Delivery Commission Report.

Gross Profit

Allow the user to run the Gross Profit report. See Gross Profit.

On Time Performance

Allow the user to run the On Time Performance report. See Report - On Time Performance (On-Demand).

Performance Analysis

Allow the user to run a Performance Analysis.

Time Reports

Allow the user to run the Time/Mileage Report. See Report - Time Mileage Report.

Mileage Audit

Allow the user to run the Mileage Audit. See Mileage Audit.

Sales Commissions

Allow the user to run the Sales Commission report. See Sales Commissions

  • Sales Commissions - All Users

Allow the user to view all human resource Sales Commission Reports.

  • Sales Commissions - Selected Resources

The selected human resources Sales Commission Reports that the user can view.


Allow the user to use the Find search tool. See Find (Classic Operations App).

  • Advanced

Allow the user to access the Advanced tab.

  • Edit Advanced Queries

Allow the user to edit advanced queries.

  • Export Query Results

Allow the user to export query results.

  • Print Query Results

Allow the user to print query results.

  • Edit Max Rows Value

Allow the user to edit the Max Records.

  • Save Query Definitions

Allow the user to save query definitions.

  • Move Query Groups

Allow the user to move query groups.

  • Delete Query Group

Allow the user to delete query groups.

  • Allowed Query Groups

The selected query groups the user has access to.

Expand to select which query groups the user has access to.

  • Query Definition Subscriptions

Allow the user to subscribe to a saved Find Query Definition. See Find > Query Definition Subscriptions.

  • Email Find Results

Allow the user to email find results. See Email Find Results.

  • Allowed Finds

The selected finds the user has access to.

Expand to select which finds the user has access to.

User Preferences





Show OS&D on Manifest

Allow the user to see OS&D on manifests.

Edit Address Points

Allow the user to edit address points when selecting addresses for orders and route stops.

Parcel Portal

The parcel portal allows users to see parcel details for fleets and business units that the user has permissions enabled.





Edit Parcel Portal

Allow the user to add and edit parcel details.


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