Assisted Dispatch

Assisted Dispatch

Assisted Dispatch is an additional subscription service that computes real-time data to improve on demand dispatching or assigning route stops and helps make more efficient routing decisions. For on demand orders, drivers are returned based on the selected Recommendation Priority (for Wise) or Optimize/Recommendation Type (for Beans). For route stops, routes are returned based on the selected Optimize/Recommendation Type (for Beans).

If route optimization is enabled, the driver’s assigned on demand orders can be updated when at least one of the following is updated:

  • Orders assigned/dispatched to driver

  • Orders removed from driver (either by removing the driver, re-dispatching the order, or the order being canceled)

  • Either Pickup/Destination or Origin/Destination address change (different lat/lon for either address should trigger this as well)

  • Change in any of the 4 time windows on an order

  • Change to the weight on an order

  • Change to the driver capacity or vehicle type

How to Set Up Assisted Dispatch

You must have the Route Optimization permission enabled. See Permissions.

  1. Contact Technical Support to obtain credentials.

  2. Go to Tools > Route Optimization in the top menu.

  3. Optional: Select On Demand RO Services and/or X Route RO Services.

  4. Select an Autonomous/Assisted Dispatch option, and click the Edit button to configure your selected option. View the following options for more information and setups.

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How to Request Assisted Dispatch

On an Order

All active/checked-in drivers are considered, and Assisted Dispatch will use the most recent GPS update, Max Weight, and Capacity for that driver.

  1. From the On-Demand Dispatch board right-click on an order and select Request Assisted Dispatch… To select multiple orders hold Ctrl and click the gray first column of the orders you would like.

  2. In the Assisted Dispatch window, double-click the driver you would like to assign to the order, or click on the driver and click Dispatch.

You can view the driver’s active work by right-clicking on the driver and selecting Open Driver's Active Work.

Hold the Ctrl key and click the gray box to the far left of the orders you would like to select.

These driver recommendations can also be visible on the dispatch board once the Assisted Dispatch process has been requested by adding the Recommended Driver column to your preferred location on the Dispatch Board.

  1. Navigate to the On Demand Dispatch Board.

  2. Right-click in the Active Orders section, and select the Show/Hide Order Fields option.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list, and ensure the RecommendedDriver column is checked.

  4. Click OK to save and close changes.

  5. Scroll to the far right of the Active Orders section to view the column.

Quick Tip: If you do not see the RecommendedDriver option refresh the layout by right-clicking in the Active Orders section and selecting Reset Layout

On a Route Stop

All selected posted routes are considered.

  1. From the Routed Dispatch board select a route to open the route manifest.

  2. Right-click on a stop and select Request Recommended Route (Assisted Dispatch).

  3. In the Assisted Dispatch window, double-click the route you would like to assign the route stop to, or click on the route and click Dispatch.

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Frequently Asked Questions

System Setup & Configuration

Do the assisted dispatch settings auto-add a driver to the list of AD drivers when they are added to a fleet that is selected?

It does not. Selecting the fleet will only select or unselect all of the drivers in that fleet at that time. If drivers are activated later, they will need to be manually added to the list of drivers being considered, or the fleet will need to be unchecked/rechecked.

What settings can be adjusted to reduce the amount of time it takes to get results?

  • One setting that can be changed is to uncheck the “GPS Update Before Recommendation” option in the Beans Assisted Dispatch settings. When that box is checked, it will get updated GPS coordinates from each qualified driver prior to sending the assisted dispatch request to Beans. When that box is unchecked, it will use the most recently gathered GPS information when sending the assisted dispatch request to Beans.

  • One other setting that can be modified is the “Max Radius” which is how many miles from a new stop a driver must currently be within to be considered. A major consideration for how long a request will take is whether there are any drivers with very long distances between stops. Removing drivers from consideration who are very far away from the new stop can increase the speed that the results are given.

  • One other setting that can be modified is the “Max Proximity to New Stops”. That setting is used to eliminate from consideration any drivers that don’t have any existing stops or a path between existing stops that will take them within a certain radius of the stops being added. The purpose of this setting is to remove from consideration the drivers who are currently within the Max Radius but whose existing stops are taking them away from the new stops.

  • There is an automated request process that can be set up so that it sends the assisted dispatch requests automatically upon orders being created. Those results would be visible to the dispatcher in the Recommended Driver column.

What version of the Driver App should be used to ensure the best results?

Version 3 is the minimum version recommended. Using older versions can result in GPS errors.

Logic & Algorithm

Is it possible to show a recommendation for which driver can do the order in the least amount of time?

That is not one of the options at this time. When the prioritize time option is used, it analyzes the least amount of time added to the overall route, not which driver will be able to do the order the fastest.

Can Assisted Dispatch handle multiple drivers on an order?

Yes, it can make the distinction between pickup and delivery driver assignments. The first driver assigned will be responsible for the pickup leg of an order, and the last driver assigned is responsible for the delivery leg.

Are continuation stops considered individual stops or one stop?

Continuation stops are considered as one stop in the recommendation.

Making Requests for Driver Recommendations

What is the ETA column on the Assisted Dispatch form?

This column shows how much time would be added to the overall route if that driver was given that order.

Dispatching using Assisted Dispatch

Do the warnings for capabilities and critical dates still show up when using the assisted dispatch form?


Does Assisted Dispatch dispatch all the orders to a driver when multiple orders are selected?



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