Moving On Demand Orders to Routes


There are several ways to move on demand orders onto routes.

Using Route Sort Rules

When an order is placed using an order type with a route sort rule configured (on the pickup, delivery, or both addresses), the zip code for the address is used to find a route match, then the order is moved onto a route. See Route Sort Rules for more information.

Manually Drag and Drop

You can manually move on demand orders to a posted route by dragging and dropping an order from the On-Demand Dispatch Board to a route manifest.

This will display a prompt to confirm which location (pickup, delivery, or both) you would like to move to the route. Selecting Delivery, for example, will create a route stop with the destination address as a “Delivery” stop type (and include any parcels on the order).

Creating a Route Stop from the Order ID

You can create a new route stop by entering “D” and the order ID of the order you would like to copy in the Scan Barcode field and pressing the tab key. This will create a route stop for the delivery part of the order only.

What is Copied from the Order and Changes When Editing the Linked Order

Order Fields

Route Stop Fields

Route Stop Updates (when linked Order Modified)

Order Fields

Route Stop Fields

Route Stop Updates (when linked Order Modified)


The Stop Type will be based on whether the route stop was created for the pickup or delivery location.

Quick Tip: Order updates will override any previous updates to the route stop in the linked fields.



Yes, but this will deactivate the route stop.

Billing Group / Cost

Billing Group / Cost Center


Origin/Destination Address

Location Name and Address


Origin/Destination Remarks

  • Driver Notes

  • Current Day’s Short Remarks*

* Copied to this field only if route stop was created by manually dragging and droping.



  • References

  • Reference 2


Package Info

Driver Notes


Package Info Pieces

Rates Pieces


Package Info Weight

Rates Weight
