Find Query

This page is for the Operations App. For the Classic Operations App please see Find Query (Classic Operations App).

Find allows you to create basic and advanced queries to help find information in the Operations App. These queries can be saved along with the ability to download advanced queries that have been created by CXT Software.

The Find permissions are required to use Find. See Users.

In the left navigation, go to Find Query.


The Query tab allows you to create, save, or execute saved queries.

Use Saved Query

Use Find Search or Favorites to search or select a favorite query to execute.

Field Name


Find Search

Click this field to search and select from a drop-down or begin typing to search for a saved find.


Click this field to search and select from a drop-down or begin typing to search for a favorite find.


Basic Find

Select Basic Find to create basic finds. This is the default option.


Use the following fields to help create a query.

If the query criteria does not include date parameters, a default date range of +/- 30 days is applied in order to avoid performance issues from extremely large result sets. On-Demand orders will be based on Date Ready and route stops will be based on Post Date."

Field Name



Select what you would like to search for.  The Basic Find allows you to pick from the following:

  • Address

  • Customer

  • Contract Stops

  • Driver

  • Order

  • Recurring Order

  • Route Stop

  • Task


Select the field name of the data you would like to search for.  The list of fields will vary depending on what you have selected for Find.


Select an operator for your search criteria.  The Basic Find allows you to pick from the following:

  • Begins With

  • Contains

  • Equals

  • Does Not Equal

The following are available operators if Where are number or date values.

  • Greater Than

  • Greater Than Or Equal To

  • Less Than

  • Less Than Or Equal To


Enter or select the value for the search criteria you are looking for.  Depending on what you are searching for, this field can accept a number, date, or text. 


If you need to add additional search criteria, you can select AND or OR.  


You want to only show the orders placed yesterday for a customer.



Click the delete icon on the right side of the search screen for any lines of criteria you would like to remove.


Click to add additional search criteria.

Advanced Find

Select Advanced Find to create advanced finds.

Enter the SQL statement you would like to use for your Advanced Find in the SQL Text field. You can use the filters (SQL Syntax, Tables, Table Columns) to help create the SQL statement by filtering the SQL syntax, database table, and column (this is populated based on the database table selected).

The Record Type to Display field can be used if the result record displayed is not what you expect. Updating this field will override the default result record type to display when double-clicking on a record to open it. This setting has to be changed before executing the find to apply to the results.


You can select how the Find results will be displayed.

Field Name


Include Invoiced Records

When checked, invoiced records will be included in the results.

Max Records

Required. The maximum number of records returned in the results.

Report Formats

Selected report format for the results.

Save Query

You can save a new query or update an existing one by clicking on the save icon in the bottom right.

The Save icon is enabled when the Filter Name is entered.

Field Name


Filter Name

Name of the query.

Group Query

The group that the query is/will be assigned to.


Description of the query.

Save As Favorite

If checked, the query will be saved as a Favorite.

Query Result Options

After you have run a successful query, you will have a few additional options in the icon bar above the results.





Bulk trigger status event SQL for the result set. Available status event SQL that can be triggered will be displayed.

Available when results are related to orders or route stops.

Export the results to CSV, JSON, TEXT, XLS, or XLSX format.



Opens the Bulk Rate Update form to make bulk rating, or driver pay adjustments to the orders or route stops in the result set. See Bulk Rate Update.

Available when results are related to orders or route stops.



Opens the Adjust Stop Times form to make bulk changes to the Min, Max, and Preferred times of stops in the returned result set. See Adjustment Stop Times.

Available when results are related to contract or route stops.



Run associated reports for the selected Saved Query.

Available when a report is associated with the selected Saved Query.



Open the Email Find Results form to email the query results.



Open the Select Visible Columns form to hide and/or reorganize columns for the query results.

Query Management

The Query Management tab allows you to view and edit saved queries.

Type in the Search field to search for save queries. This search uses a type ahead feature which filters the results below as you type.

How to Create a New Group Folder

Click the add icon on the right to create a new folder.

How to Edit a Group

Click on a group to edit the group name or delete a folder.

How to Edit a Saved Query

Click on a query to open the edit form. You can use the action menu on the left to run, subscribe, or activate/deactivate the query.

How to Activate/Deactivate a Saved Query

  1. Click on the query to open the edit form. Deactivated saved queries can be found in the “Deactivated” folder.

  2. Click the action menu on the left of the form and select Activate or Deactivate.

  3. Click the Save button.


Update Finds/Reports

The Update Finds/Reports is a list of downloadable reports and queries created by CXT Software.


CXT Software provides many free finds that can be downloaded into your Operations App reporting service when Finds is the selected filter of theUpdated Finds/Reports tab.

Field Name



Click the download icon to download the find.


Name of the find.


  • New Version Available - There is a new version of the find.

  • Available For Download - A find that is not in your system.

  • Up-To-Date - The find is current.

Report Formats

QuickBooks exports, driver manifests, shipping labels, and other reports can be found when Report Formats is the selected filter of the Advanced Find Service tab.

Field Name



Click the download icon to download the report format.


Name of the report.


  • New Version Available - There is a new version of the report format.

  • Available For Download - A report format that is not in your system.

  • Up-To-Date - The report format is current.