Visual Dispatch

You must have the Visual Dispatch permission enabled. See User


The Visual Dispatch board is used to dispatch orders to drivers and monitor the driver's pickup and delivery activity. The Dispatch refresh interval setting in the Dispatch tab of Global Options.


Visual Dispatch Board allows you to choose from several different layouts and select which container the map, shipment, and driver data display in.

You can change the layout from the menu in the top right of each container.


You can access the menu from the icons, map bar, and/or three vertical dots icon.





Change Layout

Select a layout and layout options.

Clear Map

Clear all the pins on the map.

Edit Layout

Edit the layout options on which container the map, shipments, and drivers are in.

Fleet Filter

Select which shipment and/or driver fleets are visible.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Available in the Driver and Shipments section only.

Displays keyboard shortcuts that can be used in each section. See .


Manually refresh the Visual Dispatch board.

Quick Tip: The automatic refresh interval is based on the Dispatch refresh Interval set in the Global Options Dispatch tab in the Classic Operations App.

Show/Hide Columns

Available in the Shipments and Drivers containers only.

Select which columns are visible in the section.

Time Zone

Available in the Map menu bar and Shipments section only.

The default time zone setting is the “Account Time”. You can change this setting for your user only.

Quick Tips:

  • Account Time is based on the primary address associated with your account as set in Global Options.

  • Address Time will display time based on the addresses listed in the shipment.

Pin/Unpin Menu Options

You can pin icons to the left of the action menu in each section.

How to Pin Menu Options

Menu options can also be pinned to the left of the 3 dot action menu by clicking the left-facing pin icon to the right of the menu option.

How to Unpin Menu Options

Menu options can also be unpinned from the left of the 3 dot action menu by clicking the pin icon to the right of the menu option.


Use the search magnifying glass icon, in the Shipments or Drivers container, to search for shipments or drivers. You can save often used filters by selecting the filter type and entering your criteria in the Quick Filter field then clicking the + and entering a Name.

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The map can display shipment and driver information.



Shipment Pins

The shipment pins allow you to see the shipment location and the tracking ID.

Pin colors
  • Green - Pickup

  • Red - Delivery

Click on or hover over a pin to display detailed information about a shipment or a group of shipments.

Driver Pins

The driver pins allow you to see where drivers are with the driver ID and a vehicle icon. When hovering over the driver pin, the driver ID and name will be displayed, or click the driver pin to keep the information displayed.

How to Map Shipments and/or Drivers

Check the pin icon in the first column of the row for the shipment(s) and/or driver(s) you want to map or click the map icon in the header row to map all orders. If all shipments or drivers are mapped you can click the clear all pin to clear the shipment or driver pins.

Shipment Info

When an on-demand shipment is selected, clicking the down arrows at the top of the map will display the shipment information. Click the up arrows to hide the shipment information.

Map Menu

In addition to the general menu options listed above, the Map section has a few options specific to the section.





Full Map

Click to display the Full Map Mode layout.

Horizontal Grid Mode

Click to display the Horizontal Grid Mode layout.

Show Grouped Pins

Click to display all the pins for the shipments on the board as individual pins for each pickup and delivery in that area.

Show Ungrouped Pin

Click to display a single pin with a number in it to represent the number of shipments in that area.

Toggle Dark/Light Mode

Toggle between dark and light mode.

Map Bar

The map bar is located at the bottom of the map. It shows metrics for some commonly used data and pin orders/drivers to the map. The map bar will highlight “On-Demand” or “Routed” based on what view is being used in the Shipments section.

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The Shipments section allows you to view information about shipments at a glance. You can select between the On-Demand and Routes tabs, and use the search magnifying glass to use filters to display specific shipments. See Visual Dispatch Shipments Field Descriptions for more details.


Select the On-Demand tab to display all on-demand shipments.

Shipments On-Demand Menu

In addition to the general menu options listed above, the Shipments On-Demand section has a few options specific to the section.





Auto Pinning On

When selected, all orders will be displayed to the map at all times, including incoming new orders.

Available when Auto Pinning Off is selected.

Auto Pinning Off


When selected, orders will only be displayed when selected.

Available when Auto Pinning On is selected.

Assigned Orders

Selected option on which shipment location pin(s) to display.

  • Both

  • Destination

  • Origin

Merged Group

When selected, orders with matching values, based on the 5 sorted columns, will be grouped together.

Filter Orders

You can quickly filter orders based on the following:

  • Current/Future - Select to display “Current” or “Future” orders.

    • An order will display on the “Current” dispatch view if the order’s ready time has been reached or if the order’s ready time is within the Dispatch Show Time on the order type.

      • For example, if an order is placed 4 hours in the future and the Dispatch Show Time is set for 3 hours, the order will only appear on the “Future” order display for the first hour and then once the order’s ready time is within 3 hours, it will also start appearing on both the “Current” and “Future” order displays.

      • The Dispatch Show Time allows customers to have orders of their choice show on the dispatch board early, so dispatchers can properly prepare in advance for them to be dispatched.

    • Future orders are configured to display all placed orders that are in the future.

      • Orders fall off the “Future” display once the ready by time on the order has been reached.

  • Assignment - Select to display “Assigned”, “Unassigned”, or “Both” assigned and unassigned orders.

Shipment On-Demand Right-Click Menu

To view the shipment on-demand menu, right-click on the shipment in the On-Demand tab.

Menu Option


Menu Option


Add to Batch

Add to or create a new group of orders on the dispatch board.


You can batch together orders to "hold" them for a driver until he/she logs in.

Assign to Driver

Assign an order to a driver.

Edit Order Notes

Modify the Notes on the Shipment order form.

Edit Order User Fields

Modify the User Fields on the Shipment order form.

Get Directions

Disabled when multiple shipments are selected.

Get directions from the Origin Address to the Destination Address on the order from Google.

Get Directions to Origin

Disabled when order is unassigned or multiple shipments are selected.

Get directions to the Origin Address on the order from the assigned driver’s location from Google.

Get Directions to Destination

Disabled when order is unassigned.

Get directions to the Destination Address on the order from the assigned driver’s location from Google.

Highlight After Dispatch

Specify which shipment to highlight immediately after dispatching.

  • Top Unassigned Shipment

  • Last Unassigned Shipment

Pin Selected

Display map pins of shipments that have been selected with a checked checkbox.

Remove Driver

Disabled when multiple shipments are selected.

Remove the driver from the shipment. You will have the option to send the driver a notification that the shipment has been canceled.

Re-send Message

Disabled when multiple shipments are selected.

Resends shipment information to delivery personnel via Q Codes. Feature only available for orders already sent via Q Codes.

Run Custom Procedures

Disabled when multiple shipments are selected.

Allows access to specific custom programs that may be available. This will be grayed out if you do not have any custom procedures.

Send Cancel Message

Disabled when multiple shipments are selected.

Send a cancel message to the driver that displays in their app notifications or Q Codes, but does not actually cancel the shipment.

Update Status

Update one of the following statuses with a timestamp

  • Confirmed

  • Picked Up

  • Delivered

View Order

Opens the Shipment order form for this Shipment; also allows editing the Shipment order form.

View Tracking Status

Disabled when multiple shipments are selected.

The Tracking Status displays the status information of a shipment which includes information such as timestamps for specific tasks, POD, signature, invoice numbers.



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Select the Routes tab to display all route shipments.

Shipments Routes Menu

In addition to the general menu options listed above, the Shipments Routes section has a few options specific to the section.






Select the Calendar option from the menu to access the date picker. It will display a calendar with the current date highlighted. Select any date to view past and/or future routes from that day.

Find Parcel

Opens the Parcel Portal in a new window. See .

Override End Times

When enabled the route end times for the dispatch board come from the preferred time of the stop with the highest sequence number, when disabled, end time is the time set on the route.

Override Start Times

When enabled the route start times for the dispatch board come from the preferred time of the stop with the lowest sequence number, when disabled, start time is the time set on the route.

Route Status

The route status view allows you to filter by:

  • All: Shows all routes, regardless of their status.

  • Completed: Displays only routes that have been finished.

  • Open: Shows routes that are currently in progress or yet to be started.

Set ETA Speed

Opens the Set ETA Speed form to enter an average speed to use when calculating the ETA.

Merged Group

When selected, routes with matching values, based on the 5 sorted columns, will be grouped together.

Shipment Routes Right-Click Menu

To view the shipment routes menu, right-click on the shipment in the Routes tab.

Menu Option


Menu Option


Assign to Driver

Assign a stop to a driver.

Highlight After Dispatch

Specify which shipment to highlight immediately after dispatching.

  • Top Unassigned Shipment

  • Last Unassigned Shipment

Remove Driver

Disabled when multiple shipments are selected.

Remove the driver from the shipment. You will have the option to send the driver a notification that the shipment has been canceled.

View Route Manifest

Opens the Route Manifest in new window. See

Adjust Stop Times

Opens a pre-populated advanced find, to allow for adjustments to route stop time windows for the route highlighted. See .

Run Custom Procedure

Allows access to specific custom procedures, available from CXT Software custom services.

View Parcels

Opens the Parcel Portal to view associated parcels. See .

Clone Route

Clone the route. You can choose whether or not to clone all route stops. Cloning does not include information such as parcels, completion times, PODs, etc.

Set Driver Pay

View or edit driver route pay.


The Drivers section allows you to view information about drivers at a glance. See Visual Dispatch Driver Field Descriptions for more information on the field descriptions.

Drivers Menu

In addition to the general menu options listed above, the Drivers section has a few options specific to the section.





Activate/Deactivate Drivers

Select drivers to bulk activate/deactivate.

Current Location

Selected option on which driver location pin(s) to display.

  • Driver Reports: Displays location information based on actions taken at stops (work being completed). It will only ever show breadcrumbs at the expected stops a driver has and is a good alternative if no GPS information is available from the driver’s device.

  • GPS: Displays the GPS details from the driver’s device. This is the more common and most accurate option.

  • GPS & Driver Reports: Displays GPS information when available, or location information based on action being taken at stops (work being completed) when GPS information is unavailable.

View Driver History

Available only when 1 driver is selected.

Display historic driver tracking details showing how a driver moved around during their shifts. See .

Filter Drivers

You can quickly filter drivers based on the following:

  • Status - Select to display drivers that are “Active”, “Inactive”, or “Both” active and inactive.

Driver Right-Click Menu

Menu Option


Menu Option


Active Work

Disabled when multiple drivers are selected.

Open the driver’s Active Work in a new tab. See Active Work.

Check In/Out

Disabled when multiple drivers are selected.

Check the driver in/out.

Clear Next Stop

Disabled when multiple drivers are selected.

Clear the driver’s next stop.

Enabled only when the driver has a stop flagged as Next Stop.

Disabled and greyed out if the driver does not have a stop flagged as a Next Stop

Driver Order Sequence

Disabled when multiple drivers are selected.

Display the Order Sequence form which allows you to arrange the sequence of the pickup and delivery of the orders that are assigned to a driver. See Order Sequence.

Edit Driver

Disabled when multiple drivers are selected.

Open the driver record to view/edit the driver.

Logout Driver

Disabled when multiple drivers are selected.

Log the driver out of the Driver App.

Optimize Route

Disabled when multiple drivers are selected.

Optimize the driver’s route.

Pin Selected

Display map pins of drivers that have been selected with a checked checkbox.

Position Driver

Disabled when multiple drivers are selected.

Positions driver within a postal code. Useful if the driver is not using GPS enabled mobile devices.

Send Message

Send a message to the driver’s mobile device.

View Driver History

Disabled when multiple drivers are selected.

A calendar will be displayed to select time range of the location history of the driver on the map.

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How to Assign Order Shipments

From the Shipments List

Right-click the order you would like to dispatch and select Assign To Driver.

From the Map

To a Driver Pin

Drag a shipment from the shipments list to a driver pin on the map.

To an Order Pin

Drag a driver from the drivers list to the shipment pin on the map.

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