Tracking Configuration

Tracking Configuration

You must have the Tracking Configuration permission to view/edit this page.

See Users for more information.

Tracking Configuration allows users to set up unauthenticated tracking settings (default and custom) to better control what is displayed to unauthenticated users in the Client Portal.

To view Client Portal Tracking Configuration, go to the main left navigation and select Client Portal Settings > Tracking Configuration.


Field Name


Field Name



Description of tracking configuration.

Tracking Type

The type of tracking configuration.

  • Unauthenticated Default

  • Unauthenticated Custom


Displays a green checkmark when configuration is enabled or a red x when disabled.


Displays which customer(s) the configuration is associated with.

How to Create a New Custom Tracking Configuration

  1. Go to Client Portal Settings > Tracking Customization.

  2. Click the + button in the top right.

How to Edit a Tracking Configuration

  1. Go to Client Portal Settings > Tracking Customization.

  2. Click the tracking configuration you would like to edit or click the action menu at the end of the row and select Edit

Quick Tip: You can open 2 edit forms by selecting the checkboxes of the tracking configurations and clicking the edit pencil icon in the top right.

How to Delete a Tracking Configuration

The “Unauthenticated Default Settings” cannot be deleted.

  1. Go to Client Portal Settings > Tracking Customization

  2. Check the checkbox of the tracking configuration(s) you would like to delete. 

  3. Click the delete button in the top right.

Tracking Configuration Form

Default Configuration for Unauthenticated Users

When editing the “Unauthenticated Default Settings” configuration, you cannot edit the Description, Tracking Type, or customers. Additional global settings are also displayed for settings on the Tracking Page.

Unauthenticated Tracking Settings Updated.png


Global settings are applied to all unauthenticated users.

  • Activate Unauthenticated Tracking - Enables all unauthenticated tracking on your Client Portal. If unchecked, unauthenticated tracking will be completely disabled.

  • Logo - Displays your company logo in a sidebar on the left.

  • reCaptcha Validation - Require reCaptcha when tracking an order(s).

  • Back to Login - Display a link to the login page.

Custom Configuration for Customers

When creating or editing custom configurations, you can select which fields are displayed for all work associated with the selected customer(s). Customers can only be associated with 1 custom configuration.


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