X Mobile: An unknown error has occurred
X Mobile: An unknown error has occurred
When first launching X Mobile you enter in the Phone Number, Company ID, and Password. After you have entered this information you will click on Finish.
If you are receiving this message, "An unknown error has occurred attempting to download settings for your mobile device. Please check internet connectivity or contact your support personnel for assistance." Try these following tests to find out what may be causing this issue. This message usually means that the device was not able to connect to the server that holds the phones settings for the passcode used.
- On a windows mobile device, open a web browser. From there try to navigate to a major web site like Google larger sites rarely experience any downtime, this will help to insure that if you are unable to navigate to a larger site it is most likely that the deice does not have the data plan turned on. You will then want to check with your service provider to make sure that the data plan is active on the device.
- For non windows Mobile devices, if the device has a SIM card try switching the SIM card with a known working device. This will allow you to see if the issue is with the device or the SIM card. If you switch the SIM card with a known working device, and are able to launch X Mobile you will need to contact your Service Provider to have them correct the issue with the SIM card.
- For non windows mobile devices with out a SIM card, you will need to contact your service provider to have them assist you with checking to make sure that the data plan is active on the device.