How to setup Accessorials in X Mobile

How to setup Accessorials in X Mobile

The time a drivers spends waiting on a customer to complete a pickup/delivery not only cuts into the bottom line, it also creates a scenario where the driver must keep track of the time spent, communicate this information to a CSR, and make sure that it's added to the proper order.  Also, there may be cases where the piece count of an order has changed since it was originally placed.  If your rates are driven by piece count, valuable profit may be slipping out of your hands.  For these reasons, we've added the ability to allow your drivers to add item charges to an order directly in X Mobile.  This will save your staff the time necessary to communicate this information, as well as guarantee that you're receiving all potential revenue from your customers.

The first step of the process to setup this functionality is to update the item in 'Maintenance->Items' so that it is available to your drivers in X Mobile.  Browse to 'Maintenance->Items':

There are three option located in the 'X Mobile Item' drop down list:

  • Off: not availalbe in X Mobile.
  • Checkbox: available in X Mobile, but with no quantity option.
  • Quantity: availalble in X Mobile with the ability to set the quantity

Once you've set the items you'd like available to their proper settings, we must then give the driver the ability to add items in X Mobile.  To do so, browse to 'Maintenance→Drivers' and double-click on a driver to edit them:

Once you've completed the two steps described above, the drivers are now able to add/update items directly from X Mobile!

Next, I'll show you the steps the drivers need to follow to do so (keep in mind that the customer for which the order was placed must be tied to an item rate chart that has the items you set to be available in X Mobile).

After the driver has opened the order in X Mobile, viewed the order's details, and selected the 'Next' option, they'll need to select 'Accessorials' from the 'Action Options' screen in X Mobile:

The next screen will show any items that are already included in the order:

To update the quantity of an item, select the item, and choose 'Menu->Edit':

Next, choose quantity, and update the value:


When you've finalized the quantity value, select 'Save' from the X Mobile Menu.

To add a new item, simply click the 'Add' menu option, choose the item, set the quantity (if applicable), and a comment if necessary:


When all options have been set, click save to add the item to the order:

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