How to Use Additional Surcharge Rates for Discounts

How to Use Additional Surcharge Rates for Discounts

Use additional surcharge charts to create a discount, and have it displayed on the invoice as a line item on the order. This is an alternative to reducing the base rate. 

Create a “Discount” Item

Go to Maintenance > Items to create an item to be used as a discount such as "Discount" on the items table, making sure to select a GL Account that is not recorded as revenue. The Description will be displayed on the customer’s invoice. See Items.

Configure Surcharge Chart

Quick Tip: If you don't want the discount automatically added then you would add the item to the items rate chart instead of the surcharge chart.

Add the “Discount” item to the surcharge chart associated with the customer(s) you would like to be able to apply the discount to when creating orders.

  1. Go to Maintenance > Rate Charts.

  2. Click on Surchages.

  3. Add a new surcharge, click the down arrow next to New then Rate Chart Menu > Surcharge Rate Chart, or find and double-click on the surcharge rate chart you would like to apply the discount to. See Surcharge Rate Charts - New / Edit Surcharge Rate Chart.

  4. Click Add New button to add a new item. See Surcharge Rate Charts - New / Edit Surcharge Item.

    1. Select the "Discount" item created in the Item field.

    2. Enter a negative amount for the Rate. This can be either a percentage or a fixed amount. If your discount is a percentage, set your Min to a large negative number.

    3. Click OK once you are done configuring the surcharge item.

  5. Click the Items Inc column of the “Discount” item to select which items this surcharge item will be based on.

  6. Optional. Repeat steps 3-8 as needed or copy the surcharge rate chart you just create.




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