Client Portal Punch-Through URL
The Client Portal punch-through URL is used to pass tracking information to a user so that the user does not need to search the website for the information. This can be used in places such as emails sent to the client.
Replace green text below with your applicable values.
Track Order URL
Use the URL format: URL/#/track-order;trackingId=TRACKING ID/REFERENCE/BARCODE
Replace URL with the Client Portal URL. The default Client Portal URL is where CUSTID is your Customer ID. Customers who do not know their URL can contact technical support.
Replace TRACKING ID/REFERENCE/BARCODE with the tracking ID or reference1 value, or parcel barcode.
Quick Tip
You can pass multiple tracking IDs or reference barcodes by entering a comma between each.
Attachment URL
Use the following format to display on demand or routed attachments.
On Demand
Use the URL format: URL/#/attachments/[OrderID]/onDemand;type=inet
Replace URL with the Client Portal URL. The default Client Portal URL is where CUSTID is your Customer ID. Customers who do not know their URL can contact technical support.
Route Stop
Use the URL format: URL/#/attachments/[PKID]/routeStop;type=inet
Replace URL with the Client Portal URL. The default Client Portal URL is where CUSTID is your Customer ID. Customers who do not know their URL can contact technical support.