Display Agent Settlements
This KnowledgeBase article reviews how to display settlements for agents. The term "settlement" refers to the document provided to agents that details their pay, ie: "Settlement Report." "Settlement" in general also refers to the entire process of paying delivery personnel, ie: "Settling with delivery personnel" or the "Settlement process." The term "Agent" refers to non-direct-vendor or non-employee delivery personnel. An agent can in fact be a separate delivery company with whom a partnership exists.
Displaying settlements for agents is an important step in verifying the pay data prior to printing the settlement report. It's recommended that the settlement data is displayed prior to providing the report to agents. Displaying the settlement report is as simple as using the "Action" menu, then navigating to "Settlement" and "Display Agent Settlements."
How to Display Settlements
After "Display Agent Settlements" menu selection is selected as described above, the "Display Settlements" window displays.
It's from this window that selections are made that control how the settlement displays. Note - If no agents exist within the settlement batch, then a message displays stating "No agents in this settlement with current filters."
If this happens then reselect batch that contains settlement information.
Column Names
- Batch ID - Unique identifier for settlement batch.
- Fleets - Fleet selection used for settlement batch.
- First # - First ID of delivery personnel in batch.
- Last # - Last ID of delivery personnel in batch.
- Begin Date - Beginning date used for batch. Settlements after date selected are processed.
- End Date - Ending date used for batch. No settlements after date (and time) selected are processed.
- Settlement Type - When settlements are processed, the prompt "Settlements based upon" determines how the dates are used to filter the settlements. Three options are available: Due By Date, Actual
- Delivery Date, Ready Time From Date. "Settlement Type" is which of these options was selected for settlement batch.
- Agent ID (blank for all) - Enter number to filter displayed report to that single delivery person.
- Title Image - Select image if available to be used on settlement report. Image can be a corporate logo or other related image previously defined in X Dispatch.
- Show Totals Only - Check to display summary report showing only totals.
- Page break by agent - Start new page at the start of every new agent on report.
Show Columns
Check each item to show that value on report. Note that none of these options affect X Route settlement details.
- Order Price - Price of on-demand order.
- Base Amount - Base amount of on-demand order.
- Percent of Order - Commission percent on order.
- Driver Split - Driver split information if the order was shared between delivery personnel.
- Stop Name - Name of pickup and delivery location.
- Addresses - Address of pickup and delivery location.
- Display Settlements - Press button to display settlement report based on selections.
- Exit - Press button to exit from "Display Settlements" window.
Settlement Report examples:
Advanced Functions
Two advanced features available are "CXT - Send Email Notification for Settlements" and "CXT - Quickbooks Driver Settlement Export (BILL 11.1+) that offer enhanced functionality of X Dispatch settlement processing.
To access these functions for a settlement batch, right-click the batch then select feature. For additional information on these features please review: