
Contracts are used to set up customer billing for routed work in X Route. A customer can have multiple route contracts, and each contract can be configured with its own billing/rating setup with contract stops for various routes. 

Go to X RouteContracts.

Scheduled Contracts is divided into a Customers section on the left and either a Contracts or Contract Stops section on the right. 

  • When a customer is selected in the Customers section on the left, Contracts will be displayed on the right.

  • When a contract is selected in the Customers section on the left, Contract Stops will be displayed on the right.

Quick Tip

Use the Look For and Search Under to filter and find contracts.

How to Create a New Contract

  1. Go to X Route > Contracts.
  2. Click the New button on the top toolbar, or press the Ctrl N keys.
  3. Enter the contract information.
  4. Click  or go to Action > Schedule to enter a recurring schedule of when the contract should be posted, then click OK. See Recurrence Schedule

    Quick Tip

    This recurrence schedule is used for billing when the Billing field on the contract is set to "Contract Amount" and for starting and expiring a contract. The recurrence schedule's Range of Recurrence is used to determine when to start and end posting the associated contract stops.

    Billing Example

    If the contract's Billing field is set to "Contract Amount", the recurrence schedule determines how frequently the contract amount should be billed regardless of the number of stops or when the stops post. If the contract's Billing field is set to "Stop Rate" or "Stop Rate * Multiplier", the recurrence schedule is required to be set, but will not be factored into billing as rates will be captured from each stop inside the contract.

  5. Click Save & Close or Save.

How to Edit a Contract

  1. Go to X Route > Contracts.
  2. In the Customers section click the customer associated with the contract you would like to edit.
  3. Double-click the contract you would like to edit from either the Customers section or the Contracts section. 

How to Add a Stop

From the contract form, click Add Stop in the toolbar or go to ActionAdd Stop.

How to Import Stops

From the contract form, go to FileImport Stops. See Contract Stop Import Wizard.

How to Deactivate a Contract

  1. From the contract stop form, click  in the toolbar or go to Action > Schedule.
  2. In the Recurring Schedule form, select End on under Range of Recurrence.

  3. Select the date you would like the contract stop to be deactivated.

How to Delete a Contract

  1. Go to X Route > Contracts.
  2. In the Customers section click the customer associated with the contract you would like to delete.
  3. Double-click the contract you would like to delete from either the Customers section or the Contracts section. 
  4. Go to ActionDelete.

Contract Form



Save and close the contract form.

Save the contract form and keep it open.

Close the contract form.

 Refresh the Stops section of the contract form.  This is useful if multiple users add contract stops.

 Add a new contract stop to the contract.

 View or edit the Recurrence Schedule of the contract. Each contract stop also has a recurrence schedule, so even though a contract is posted for a date, the contract stops posted according to their individual recurrence schedule. 

 Scan a document onto the contract.

 Add an attachment to the contract by uploading a file. 

Check the checkbox to show both active and inactive stops.

Contract Info

Field NameDescription
Cust ID

Required. Customer ID. 

When entering the Cust ID you can do one of the following

  • Type the numeric customer ID and press the Tab key to insert customer information and continue with contract entry.
  • Type first few characters of customer's name and press the Enter to open a window to find the customer you would like.
Contract NameRequired. Name of the contract. This will be displayed on the customer invoice.
Billing Type of billing for the contract.
  • Contract Amount - Each time the contract posts, the Amount value will be invoiced regardless of how many stops are in the contract.
  • Stop Rate - Billing is calculated by summing the stop rates and will be invoiced for all uninvoiced active stops in the contract. Inactive stops will not be invoiced. 
  • Stop Rate * Multiplier - Billing is calculated by multiplying the contract stop Amount and the contract stop Multiplier.  Actual stop schedules are ignored. 
AmountThe dollar amount used when Billing is set to "Contract Amount".
CalculatedRead-only. Sum of all active scheduled stop values multiplied by the contract multiplier.
Per Stop AverageRead-only. The calculated average price of each stop within the contract.
Surcharge Adjustment %

The surcharge adjustment percentage added to the contract.

Calculated Surcharge %

Read-only. The calculated sum of the following three surcharges. 

  • Global Options X Route tab Surcharge Item and Surcharge Percent
  • Customer record Accounting tab Route Surcharge Adjustment %
  • Surcharge Adjustment %.
DescriptionDescription of contract. This will not be displayed on the customer invoice.
Billing Group/Cost CenterThe billing group or cost center. This can be used to sort invoices. Billing Groups/Cost Centers can be added/removed in the customer record References tab.
GL AccountRequired. Corresponds with General Ledger code in QuickBooks. See GL Accounts (Classic Operations App).
Override Business Unit

The business unit to post the contract stops in different than the one set up in the contract stop. This is used to set up contract stops in one business unit and post into another business unit See Business Units (Classic Operations App).

Reference 1References associated with the contract. This can be set up in the customer record References tab.
Reference 2

Read-only. List of active stops. To view inactive stops, check Show All Stops

Quick Tips

  • Stops can be sorted differently by clicking on the column header.
  • Double click on stop to view/edit stop information.
Edit All Weekly Stop Schedules

Click the button to quickly update all contract stops in the contract with a "Weekly" Recurrence Pattern using this single window.  


Contract stops must have a "Weekly" Recurrence Pattern. This will not work with contract stops that have a "Daily" Recurrence Pattern and "Every weekday" is checked.


The Attachments tab is where you can view/edit additional information attached to the contract.  

How to Add an Attachment

Right-click and select Add Attachment to attach documents to the contract or click the paperclip in the toolbar .

How to Add a Text File

  1. Right-click and select Create Text File to create a text file.
  2. When finished choose File > Save.