How to Migrate Dashboard Data to X Dispatch 21 for On Premise Installs

This is for on premise customers only. For Cloud customers, CXT Software will take care of the migration.


After upgrading to X Dispatch 21.0, the Dashboard Migration Tool should be run to migrate dashboards to allow multiple dashboards for users and the ability to share dashboards.

What is the Dashboard Migration Tool

The Dashboard Migration Tool is used to help convert the current json-formatted MiscData column in tblPermissions into individual row entries in the following tables.

  • tblDashboards - Main table holding dashboard name/description and their owner information

  • tblWidgets - Stores widget title, type, and additional information.

  • tblDashboardLayout - Holds layout information for each dashboard.

  • tblDashboardPermissions - Contains the list of users that have access to individual dashboard.

Existing data will not be deleted in the migration. The tool will only insert data to the above 4 tables.

How to Run the Dashboard Migration Tool

  1. Go to [XDispatchInstallationDirectory]\Shared_Files\MigrationTools.

  2. Double click DashboardMigration.exe.

  3. Check the box next to your Available Instances or click Check All.

  4. Click the Migrate Data button.

Logs are not saved by default. If you would like to save the result of the logs, click the Save Logs button.

Failed Migrations

If a migration fails, it will be left checked after the initial run. You can select the Available Instances and click the Migrate Data button to attempt migration again.

If an instance fails multiple times, there may be a more serious issue. Check the logs to see if there is any helpful information and verify that the upgrade to X Dispatch 21.0+ was successful. Refer to the Troubleshooting section below for some helpful hints.


I don’t see any available instances listed for selection.

This tool uses 4 sources to populate the available instances list. If there is no corresponding configuration found in any of these locations, it will not be able to gather instance information. These sources are (in the order they’re searched for):

  1. Overridden appSetting.config value for RemoteServer

  2. Azure.config file present in the directory that the executable is running from

  3. Standard location for Azure.config (C:\ProgramData\Connexion\Configuration\Azure.config)

  4. Registry key on local machine

I’m getting an error stating X Dispatch must be upgraded to 21.0 or above.

In order to support multiple dashboards, you must be using X Dispatch 21.0 or above.

I’m getting an error stating required tables are not found.

In order to correctly migrate dashboard data, 4 tables must be present in the database. This tool will verify that tblDashboards, tblDasboardLayout, tblDashboardPermissions, and tblWidgets are present in the database before continuing. All 4 of these tables must be present for migration to start. Please ensure you’re using X Dispatch version 21.0 or above.

I’m getting an error stating that migration should only run once.

There is no need to re-run this migration on a system that already migrated its data. This tool will verify that the 4 tables mentioned above are empty before starting data migration. If there is data in any of these tables, it will not migrate. This is a safety measure to ensure we are not overwriting other data. This tool is designed to only insert new data into the tables. It will not delete any data from any tables.

There was another error not covered above.

While other errors are uncommon, they are possible (e.g. connection was lost due to internet issues). In this case, details about the specific error will be printed on the Logs screen. If the migration had started and an error was encountered half-way through the task, all data will be rolled back. This ensures that the tables do not contain partial data that might interfere with a re-run. In this case, you can simply re-attempt the migration. If it keeps failing, contact support.