How to Edit Weekly Stop Schedules for Contract Stops in X Route

X Dispatch has the ability to edit the posting schedule for all of the Contract Stops that are assigned to a Contract.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to X Route > Contracts and open the desired Contract

  2. Click on theEdit All Weekly Stop Schedules button to view all of theContract Stop posting schedules. 

Field NameDescription
IDThe Contract Stop ID of the Contract Stop.
NameThe Name of the Contract Stop.
Day of the week (Sun - Sat)The Day of the week the Contract Stop is scheduled to post. 
( To modify the posting schedule, simply check or uncheck the day you would like to have the Contract Stop post.)
ScheduleA Description of when the Contract Stop is set to post.
OKClick OK, to save your selection and close the window.
CancelClick Cancel, to discard your changes and close the window.
ApplyClick Apply, to save your selection and keep the window open.