X Remote

X Remote


How to Install

  1. Download X Remote to your local computer . Go to Downloads , scroll down to X Remote and click the download link.
  2. Install X Remote by double-click the *.exe and install the program on your local machine.
  3. Configure X Remote by clicking the "Configure" button and fill out the "Configuration Options".

    1. Web Service URL (Required)This is the location where your rows.asmx file is located.
    Hosted will be in the following format: http://CUSTID.xdhosted.com/rows/rows.asmx
    Installed will be in the following format: http://URL/tree structure of your ROWS installation/rows.asmx

    2. Active Reports URL (Required): This is the location where your switchaccount.asp file is located.
    Hosted will be in the following format: http://CUSTID.xdhosted.com/switchaccount.asp
    Installed will be in the following format: http://URL/switchaccount.asp

    3. Registration URL (Required): This is the location where your registration_landing.asp file is located.
    Hosted will be in the following format: http://CUSTID.xdhosted.com/registration_landing.asp
    Installed will be in the following format: http://URL/registration_landing.asp

    4. Due Time Offset (minutes) (Required): X Remote can automatically calculate the Minimum Stop Time and Maximum Stop Time by configuring an offset due time. 

    5. 2D Barcode Auto Save: This will auto save the 2D Barcodes if checked.

    6. Place Orders Immediately: This will immediately place the Orders in X Dispatch if checked.

    7. Auto Print Labels: This will auto print labels if checked. If this is checked, 8 and 9 are then Required.

    8. Auto Print Label Format: If you check box 7, select a label format by clicking the box:9. 

    Default Printer: If you check box 7, select a default printer from the drop-down box.

Having trouble?

Verify that your configurations are correct. If they are correct, there may be something wrong with your ROWS installation or your IIS configuration. 

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