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Table of Contents


  1. Click the arrow next to the New button, or press the N key. 

    Image RemovedImage Added
  2. Click Rate Charts

  3. Select Base Rate.


Field Name


Chart ID

Unique numeric ID.

Order Type

Order type the base rate will be applied to. 


Quick Tip: When editing or viewing a surcharge rate chart, you can click "Order Type" to view or edit the order type form.


Description, or name, of the rate chart. 


Editing this field will change the description of the main chart ID and all rate charts associated with it.


Field Name


Chart Type

Type of base rate chart

  • Zones - Uses zone specific pricing set up in the Base Rate Details tab.

  • Flat Rate - Set a dollar amount to be added to the charges for the selected order type.

  • Use another chart adjusted by percent - Adjusts the rate of a selected chart by a percent. The Base Rate Details tab will be evaluated before applying charges from another chart.  This tab should be empty unless exclusions need to be specified before adjusting another chart's calculated rate.

  • Weight - Rates based on weight.

  • Use another chart adjusted by amount - Adjusts the rate of a selected chart by an amount.

  • Use custom stored procedure - Specify a custom procedure to calculate the rate.

  • Pieces - Rates based on pieces.

Rate Zone

Visible when using one of the following chart types: "Zones", "Weight", "Use custom stored procedure" or "Pieces".

The rate zone column used for zone rating. See Zones.

Flat Rate

Visible when using the "Flat Rate" chart type.

Single charge amount.

Weight Table

Visible when using the "Weight" chart type.

See Weight Ranges.

Proc Name

Visible when using the "Use custom stored procedure" chart type.

Name of custom procedure. See Custom Procedures.

Pieces Table

Visible when using the "Pieces" chart type. 

See Piece Range.

Use Chart

Enabled when using one of the following chart types:  "Use another chart adjusted by percent" or "Use another chart adjusted by amount".

The chart ID of the other stamp rate chart you would like to use and the order type.


Quick Tip: Click the link to open the original rate chart.

adjusted by

Enabled when using one of the following chart types:  "Use another chart adjusted by percent" or "Use another chart adjusted by amount".

The percentage to adjust the rates of the other chart entered in the Use Chart field.

Round up to nearest

The dollar amount to round up to. 

  • NONE

  • $1.00

  • $.50

  • $.25

  • $.10

  • $.05

Disabled if using the "Flat Rate" chart type.

Rate Individual Parcels

Visible when using the "Weight" chart type.

Rates individual parcel if selected. See How to Rate Individual Parcels.

Minimum rate per order

If selected, the dollar amount will be the minimum rate per order.

Disabled if using the "Flat Rate" chart type.

Apply zone minimums if greater than chart minimum

Enabled when Minimum rate per order is selected.

If selected, uses the zone minimums if they are greater than the minimums entered in the stamp rate chart. See Zones.

Revert to dist charge

Visible when using one of the following chart types: "Zones", "Weight", "Use custom stored procedure" or "Pieces".

When selected, rate charges per the number of miles or kilometers entered if a zone to zone pair is not found in the Base Rate Details tab.


Visible when using one of the following chart types: "Zones", "Weight", "Use custom stored procedure" or "Pieces" and used when Revert to dist charge is selected.

Unit of length used in rating.

  • mile

  • kilometer

plus $

Visible when using one of the following chart types: "Zones", "Weight", "Use custom stored procedure" or "Pieces" and used when Revert to dist charge is selected.

Amount added to the distance charge.

Advanced Mile Chart

Visible when using one of the following chart types: "Zones", "Weight", "Use custom stored procedure" or "Pieces" and used when Revert to dist charge is selected. 

Opens the Mileage Charges table. See Base Rate Charts - Distance Charges


A warning icon  will be displayed when there is data in the Advanced Mile Chart. 

Mile Chart Wizard

Visible when using one of the following chart types: "Zones", "Weight", "Use custom stored procedure" or "Pieces" and used when Revert to dist charge is selected.

Opens the Mile Chart Wizard form to automate the creation of the Mileage Charges table. See Base Rate Charts - Distance Charges.

Check which times when calculating overtime?

When to check when calculating overtime charges:

  • From

  • To

  • Both

Process multiple overtimes

How to calculate more than one overtime charge.

  • Using highest amount

  • Add amounts

Add __ for critical times between __ and __ Min $ __

The dollar amount, or percentage if selected, to add to the charges at critical times between the selected time and a minimum amount to charge.

Add __ for orders completed on Saturday/Sunday/Holidays Min $ __

The dollar amount, or percentage if selected, to add to the charges on orders completed on a Saturday, Sunday, and/or Holiday and the minimum amount to charge. See Holidays (Classic Operations App).


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CXTU Courses/Lessons

  • Accounting Role Training: Order Rating

  • CSR Role Training: Order Types & Rate ChartsAccounting Role Training

  • Orders Course: Order Rating Basics