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titleQuick Tips
  • Save default grid layouts so that you will not be prompted to select fleets when going to the dispatch board. 
  • The last saved layout(s) will be the one that is loaded when landing on the dispatch board.


For saving grid layouts on the On-Demand Dispatch board, you must have the Save Dispatch Layout permissions enabled under X Dispatch Functions > Dispatch. For the ability to create, edit, or delete custom On-Demand Dispatch grid layouts, you must also have the Custom Dispatch LayoutsCreateEdit, and/or Delete permissions enabled. See Users (Classic Operations App)

For saving grid layouts on the Route Dispatch board, you must have the Save Dispatch Layout permissions enabled under X Route Functions > Dispatch. For the ability to create, edit, or delete custom Route Dispatch grid layouts you must also have Custom Dispatch LayoutsCreateEdit, and/or Delete permissions enabled. See Users (Classic Operations App)


  1. On the dispatch board, right-click on the half of the board you would like to save and select Save Layout or, if saving an order or driver grid, press 0 on your keyboard. 
  2. Select which grid you would like to save.


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    • Orders/Routes - Save the Active Orders/Routes grid as the default Active Orders/Routes grid.
    • Drivers - Save the Drivers grid as the default Drivers grid layout.

  3. Click Save.

Custom Layouts 


  1. On the dispatch board, right-click on the Active Orders half of the board select Save Layout or press 0 on your keyboard. 

  2. Select Custom Orders Grid. and enter a name to save the custom grid.


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  3. Click Save.

How to Save a Custom Route Grid Layout

  1. On the dispatch board, right-click on the Active Routes half of the board select Save Layout

  2. Select Custom Routes Grid. and enter a name to save the custom grid.


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  3. Click Save.

How to Save a Custom Driver Grid Layout


  1. On the dispatch board, right-click on the Active Drivers half of the board select Save Layout or press 0 on your keyboard. 
  2. Select Custom Drivers Grid. and enter a name to save the custom grid.


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  3. Click Save.

How to Load a Custom Grid Layout


  1. On the dispatch board, right-click anywhere and select Reset Layout

  2. Select the layout you would like to reset. 

    • Orders/Routes

    • Drivers
    • Both
  3. Click OK to acknowledge that you need to navigate away from the dispatch board for the changes to take effect.
  4. Navigate away from the dispatch board then go back to the dispatch board.


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CXTU Courses/Lessons
  • Dispatcher Role Training: Dispatch Boards
  • On-Boarding Training: Order Entry & Dispatch Board
