The time between when the driver marks an order as “Arrived” and when it is marked as completed is the waiting/loading time. Waiting and loading times can be captured so that you can add customer charges to the order.
How to Set up Waiting/Loading Times
Global Options Settings
In the toolbar click the Options icon.
Go to the Orders tab to enter the Wait Time Items.
The Pickup Wait Time Item is usually set to “Loading Time” and the Delivery Wait Time Item is usually set to “Waiting Time”.
The Pickup Threshold (Minutes) is the number of minutes before applying the charge.
Item Rate Chart Set Up
Go to Maintenance > Rate Charts and select the item rate chart associated with the customer(s) you would like to apply the wait/loading times charges to.
Add the “Waiting Time” and/or “Loading Time” item(s).
Quick Tip: The Over value is usually set to the same number as the Pickup Threshold (Minutes). Changing this value will change the charge amount. See Item Rate Charts - New / Edit Item Rate Chart.
You would like to charge customers using Item Rate Chart 1 and the “One Hour Order” order type $1 for every minute over 5 minutes of loading time.
To do this we will set up the “Loading Time” with a 5 minute threshold in the Global Options.
Then in the item rate chart, we will set the “Loading Time” Rate as 1, Per as 1, and Over as 5 (this means we want to charge $1 per 1 minute over 5 minutes).
If the driver marked the order as “Arrived” in the Driver App at 8:53 and “Picked Up” at 9:00, it took 7 minutes to complete the pickup event which is 2 minutes over the 5 minute threshold. 2 x $1 = $2 loading time charge.