This page is for the Operations App. For the Desktop Operations App please see Billing Cycles (Desktop Operations App).

Billing cycles are used to determine how often a customer is invoiced. 

To view and/or edit billing cycles, the "Billing Cycles" and/or "Edit Billing Cycles" user permissions must be selected. See Users.

To get to the Billing Cycles section, go to Maintenance > Billing Cycles.

Field Name



Description or the name of the billing cycle.


Unique ID number.

How to Create a New Billing Cycle

  1. Go to Maintenance > Billing Cycles.

  2. Click the + button in the top right.

How to Edit a Billing Cycle

Billing cycles currently assigned to a customer should not be deleted.

  1. Go to Maintenance > Billing Cycles.

  2. Click the billing cycle you would like to edit or click the action menu at the end of the row and select Edit

Quick Tip: You can open 2 edit forms by selecting the checkboxes of the billing cycles and clicking the edit pencil icon in the top right.

How to Delete a Billing Cycle

  1. Go to Maintenance > Billing Cycles

  2. Check the checkbox of the billing cycle(s) you would like to delete. 

  3. Click the delete button in the top right.

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