Rapidship Style Customizations

Rapidship Style Customizations

In X Dispatch 21.0 or newer, you can customize Rapidship styles in X Dispatch. See Rapidship Customization. If you have a custom-styles.css, any changes made in the Rapidship Customization section of X Dispatch will not be applied. Framework changes were made to Rapidship version 21.0 that may cause undesired results from style customization created with older versions. 

You can customize the look of Rapidship through the custom-styles.css file.

  • Cloud customers must put in a support ticket to request assistance.  
  • On-premise customers can find it by navigating to C:\Program Files (x86)\Connexion\XInternet\Rapidship\customizations\css\custom-styles.css

Transparent Logo 

Available in X Dispatch 18.0.3 or newer. 

The ideal width of the logo is 300px and the height should be equal to or less than 300px.

On-premise or Cloud customers with access

Upload an image file named logo.png to customizations\css

Cloud customers without access

Contact Technical Support.

CSS Variables

For X Dispatch 18.0 or newer.

CSS variables are available to change colors throughout Rapidship. An example like the one below is available in the customizations\css folder.

List of Overridable Classes 

Available in X Dispatch 17.1 or newer.

Brand Primary Color
Brand Secondary Color