CLOUD - SQL Access Policy

Remote SQL access grants programmers access to raw data in a Microsoft SQL Server database and is only available for Cloud customers. CXT Software provides several options of accessing data such as those listed in , and remote SQL access is often used as a last resort when other options are not viable. Please speak with Client Success for more information about this feature.

This documentation provides details regarding the acceptable usage and naming requirements for customers remotely accessing their SQL database. This policy must be read and agreed to before being granted access to remote SQL services.

Acceptable Use Policy


  • Access is restricted by whitelist and is a paid add-on service sold in blocks of 5 whitelisted IPs.

  • Access to SQL is established by running a local copy of the SQL Server Management Studio connecting with encryption, or remote SQL access.

  • Access to the SQL Profiler has been granted to the RW account and can be run remotely. If SQL performance suffers from a mismanaged trace, access may be revoked without notification.

Console access to the database instance is not available and is forbidden.


  • Modification or viewing of any existing or added database objects created by CXT Software in the dbo schema is not permitted. Instead, create objects under the cusdbo schema.

  • No outside software installation of any kind can be performed on Cloud resources.


Making changes to the database in any capacity is highly dangerous. CXT Software is not responsible for any destructive misuse, performance impacts, or data loss as a result of customer direct SQL access. Use extreme caution.

  • Database objects such as tables, stored procedures, and views, can be created in the cusdbo schema only. See Object Naming Policy below.

  • Read/write/update/delete "data only" in any table is permitted within both the cusdbo and dbo schemas.

  • It is recommended to clean up old, expired data as needed, in set intervals as excessive table data storage can and will have an adverse effect on database performance.

Object Naming Policy

All custom created database objects must follow a standard naming convention. When creating a custom database object, the schema must be "cusdbo" schema. After the schema, the name must start with "CUSTOM_" followed by your CXT Software customer ID. For example, my example customer id is “9999" Therefore, the object starts with "cusdbo.CUSTOM_9999_". After the last underscore, prefix the object name with its type followed by its name or purpose.


  • Views - Prefix: vw

    • cusdbo.CUSTOM_ID_vwViewName

  • Tables - Prefix: tbl

    • cusdbo.CUSTOM_ID_tblTableName

  • Stored Procedures - Prefix: sp

    • cusdbo.CUSTOM_ID_spStoredProcedureName

Completed examples: cusdbo.CUSTOM_9999_tblCustomTable or cusdbo.CUSTOM_9999_spGetSomething