Find > Query Definition Subscriptions
Find > Query Definition Subscriptions
X Dispatch users can subscribe to a saved Find Query Definition which automatically queues an Email that sends the Find results attached as a .csv file. If there is a custom report associated with the find, the results will be sent using the report format. There can be multiple subscriptions so that specific recipients can have different schedules.
This feature does not work for Basic finds that are saved. For X Dispatch 20.0 or newer, you can subscribe to Basic and Advanced finds using the Find (BETA) tool. See Find (BETA) Subscriptions.
This feature is controlled by a user Permission, please remember to enable the permission for users that need access to this feature. To enable Permissions to use this feature see this article: Email Find Results.
Creating a Subscription to Automatically Email a Saved Find Query Definition
Follow the steps below to set up an automatic Email schedule from Saved Find Reports:
- Open the Find form from the top menu bar of X Dispatch.
- Click the Load Query Definition icon.
- Select a saved Query Definition and click Subscribe.
If a Query Definition requires human interaction by requiring user input, subscription to the Query Definition is not allowed and the below message is displayed:
- From the Edit Subscriptions window choose New Subscription.
- Select a previously saved Message Format from the drop-down.
- Fill in the Email Recipients(s) field.
- If you would like to generate an email report even if there are no issues found, enable the checkbox.
- Configure the Recurrence Pattern and click OK.
- The new subscription displays in the Subscriptions list and generates an email report that is sent according to the Recurrence Pattern.
- Clicking the Run Now button marks the Definition to execute immediately.
- From the Subscriptions window the Last Sent, Error Text, and Next Run Date Time fields display a timestamp of the runs that have occurred or will occur.
- If any previous runs of the Advanced Find have failed, a message "Double click for error text" is displayed in the Error Text field for further investigation.
Query Definitions can have multiple Subscriptions by simply repeating these same steps. Multiple Subscriptions will display in the Edit Subscription window (shown above).
Editing and Deleting a Subscription
Once a Subscription is created, users can Edit and Delete saved Query Definitions by following the steps below:
Editing a Subscription:
- Open the Find form from the top menu bar of X Dispatch.
- Click the Load Query Definition icon.
- Select a previously saved Query Definition and click Subscribe.
- From the Edit Subscriptions window highlight the Subscription you would like to Edit and click the Edit button.
- Once edited click OK.
Deleting a Subscription:
- Open the Find form from the top menu bar of X Dispatch.
- Click the Load Query Definition icon.
- Select a previously saved Query Definition and click Subscribe.
- From the Edit Subscriptions window highlight the Subscription you would like to Delete and click the Delete button.
- Click Yes to the warning if you are sure you would like to Delete.
, multiple selections available,
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