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Comment: Updated VDB section on Optimize Route function on Driver right-click menu

















Table of Contents

CXT Software Basic Optimization optimizes a route, or sequence of orders and provides ETAs for when the optimized work should be expected for completion by the driver.

  • CXT Software Route Optimization does not include driver location on the route until at least one stop has been completed. 

  • CXT Software Route Optimization does not include traffic. 

  • Limit per CXT Software route optimization request:

    • 75 route stops.

    • 40 on demand orders.




Quick Tip: When optimizing routes with both completed and uncompleted stops, the completed stops will display on the route manifest in the order in which they were completed and uncompleted stops will be optimized from there with their sequence numbers as a continuation in the proper order.


  1. Go to Tools > Route Optimization.

  2. Select "Basic Optimization" for On Demand RO Service. and/or X Route RO Services

  3. Click the Edit button next to your selection.

  4. Check Enable Route Optimization


  1. . The Route Optimization URL


  1. should be automatically populated, and you can confirm the URL by clicking the Test button on the right of the URL field.


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  2. After you have configured the settings, save settings by clicking Apply or Ok. See below for field descriptions.

RO Services Config Form


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Field Name



Route Optimization


When enabled, CXT Software Route Optimization will be used to optimize routes.


Service URL

Route Optimization Service URL


. This is automatically populated


Quick Tip: You can confirm the URL by clicking the Test button on the right of the URL field.

Route Sequence Priority

How Route Optimization determines the priority level when sorting the stops. 

Max Processing Time Per Solution

The maximum number of seconds to spend finding the optimal route. This number cannot be less than 5.

Max Request Time Per Solution

The maximum number of seconds to request the optimal route. This number cannot be less than 5.

X Route


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Field Name


Service Time Per Stop

The number of minutes a driver is at a stop.

Grace Time Per Stop

The number of minutes a driver can be late. This does NOT include grace time to be early.

Automatic Reoptimization For Posted Routes

Click he Edit button to select individual routes to be automatically reoptimized every minute after a significant change.


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On Demand


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Field Name


Service Time Per Pickup

The number of minutes a driver is at a stop.

Pickup Grace Period

The number of minutes a driver can be late. This does NOT include grace time to be early.

Service Time Per Delivery

The number of minutes a driver is at a stop.

Ignore Exact Address Matches

When checked, pickups/deliveries with the exact same address will show the same ETA since the driver would be arriving to all of them at the same time.

When unchecked, ETAs for pickups/deliveries with the exact same address will vary as expected.

Delivery Grace Period

The number of minutes a driver can be late. This does NOT include grace time to be early.

Automatic Reoptimization For Drivers (Assigned Orders)

Click he Edit button to select individual drivers to be automatically reoptimized every minute after a significant change.


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Override Global Settings

Global settings for CXT Software Route Optimization can be overridden from the Operations App Dispatch Board.

  1. Right-click on the route or driver.

  2. Click Optimize Sequence.

  3. On the top of the window click Edit.

  4. Click Override Global Settings.

  5. Click the OK button when done.

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  • Ensure Nextstop Stops Workflow Settings have "Group Stops By Tracking ID" disabled.  See Stops Workflow.

  • Confirm Nextstop Stops Workflow Settings have the "Sort By" configuration set to "Itinerary". See Stops Workflow.

How to Manually Optimize a Route

Visual Dispatch Board:

  1. Go to Visual Dispatch Board.

  2. From the driver list,


  •  From the driver card view, click the driver then View Orders

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  • From the driver table view, right-click on the driver you want to optimize and select View Orders

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Click Order Sequence


Click Auto Sequence


  1. right click the relevant driver and select Optimize Route.

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  1. From the panel, click the tab for either On Demand or Routed.

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  1. Click the double arrow in the center and select Yes when the confirmation window pops up.

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  1. Click the Apply button.

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For on demand orders:

  1. Go to On Demand > Dispatch.

  2. Right-click on the driver you want to optimize.

  3. Select "Optimize Route".

  4. Click the Optimize button.


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  2. Once the optimized route is shown click the Apply or Ok.

For assigned routes:

  1. Go to X Route > Dispatch.

  2. Right-click on the route you want to optimize.

  3. Select "Optimize Route".


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  2. Click the Optimize button.


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  2. Once the optimized route is shown click the Apply or Ok.


Quick Tips

An error message with be displayed if no solution can be found.

Status colors:

  • Green: ETA is within the time window without the grace time.

  • Yellow: ETA is outside the time window but within the grace time.

  • Red: ETA is outside the time window and grace time.

  • Magenta: No ETA could be calculated. 

Automatic Route Optimization

Automatic Route Optimization can be enabled in the global settings. When routes/sequences are set to automatic, it will ignore routes that do not have a "Stop Time Min" within the next 3 hours. For example, if a route is set to begin at 12:00 PM, the first run of Route Optimization will occur at 9:00 AM.

Reoptimization will occur every minute after a significant change. These settings are currently not adjustable. 

Significant Changes

Below is a list of significant changes that are used to determine if a route should be reoptimized. 

namesignificant change

For on demand orders:

  • Orders Added/Dispatched to driver

  • Orders removed from driver (either by removing the driver, redispatching the order, or the order being canceled)

  • Either Pickup or Destination address change (different lat lon for either address should trigger this as well)

  • Change in any of the 4 time windows on an order

  • Order Completed Early

  • Order Completed Late

For assigned routes:

  • Stops Added or Removed from Manifest 

  • Moving a route stop from one route to another

  • Address Change (different lat lon should trigger this as well)

  • Change to the StopMin or StopMax time window

  • Stop Completed Early

  • Stop Completed Late

Route Optimization Status in the Dispatch Board

RO Column And Optimized Status

The RO column in


the Route Dispatch Board will show a green icon if the route or driver has been optimized, yellow if there are any warnings, red if the route or driver cannot be optimized, and grey if not optimized. Automatically optimized routes or drivers will not be optimized until 3 hours before the first stop.


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Right-click on the route or driver, then select "Optimized Status" to see the last time of optimization, status, and errors. If a route or driver is manually optimized, and a significant change occurs, the status of the stop will be reset so that it will appear as the empty gray circle in the RO column. Unposting and reposting a route will also remove the last Optimized Status from the dispatch board.