Status Event | Description |
Inet User Approved | When an internet user is approved. When configured, the notification will be sent to the the internet user’s email address. |
New Internet User | When a new internet user is created. When configured, the notification will be sent to the the internet user’s email address. |
Order - Address Changed | When an address on the order is changed. |
Order - At Delivery | When the driver has arrived at the delivery address. |
Order - At Pickup | When the driver has arrived at the pickup address. |
Order - Attachment Added | When an attachments is added to an order. |
Order - Cancelled | When an order is cancelled. |
Order - Confirmed By Driver | When an order is confirmed by the driver assigned to the order. |
Order - Consolidated | When an order import is consolidated into a previously imported order. Typically used to send “order placed” events because the consolidation action does not trigger the same placement messages. |
Order - Delivered | When an order is delivered |
Order - Delivery Signature | When a Signature is added to an order. |
Order - Dispatched/Assigned | When an order is dispatched to a driver. |
Order - Driver Unassigned | When a driver is unassigned from an order. |
Order - ETA Update | When the ETA changed by more than 10 minutes. Limit to 5 times per hour. |
Order - Invoiced | When an order is invoiced. |
Order - Next Delivery | When the order is marked as the next stop by an Operations App user. |
Order - Next Pickup | When the order is marked as the next stop by an Operations App user. |
Order - Parcel Exception Added | When a exception code/status code is added to a parcel on an order. |
Order - Parcel Overage Scan | When an overage parcel is added to an order. There is a 60 second delay after each scan to allow for multiples to be gathered for only 1 notification alert. Every new scan will restart the timer for 60 seconds. |
Order - Picked Up | When the order has been picked up. |
Order - Placed | When an order is placed. |
Order - POD | When a POD is added to an order. |
Order - Rate Change | When there is a change in an order’s rate. |
Order - Received At Dock | When an order is scanned at the dock. |
Order - Rejected At Dock | When an order is rejected at the dock. |
Order - Status Code Added | When a status code is added to an order. |
Order - Status Code Updated | When a status code on an order is updated. |
Order - Status Update | When a status of an order is updated. |
Order Verified for Billing | When the Verified checkbox in the Order Status of an order has been checked. |
Route Stop - Activated | When a route stop is activated. |
Route Stop - Arrived | When the driver arrives at a route stop. |
Route Stop - Assigned To Driver | When a route stop is assigned to a driver. |
Route Stop - Attachment Added | When an attachments is added to a route stops. |
Route Stop - Completed | When a route stop is marked as completed. |
Route Stop - Consolidated | When a route stop import is consolidated into a previously imported stop. Typically used to send “stop created” events because the consolidation action does not trigger the same creation messages. |
Route Stop - Created | When a route stop is created. |
Route Stop - Deactivated | When a route stop is deactivated. |
Route Stop - ETA Update | When the ETA changed by more than 10 minutes. Limit to 5 times per hour. |
Route Stop - Next Stop | When a route stop is indicated as the next stop for a driver from the route manifest, in the driver app, or as the next uncompleted stop in the driver sequence. |
Route Stop - Out for Delivery | When a parcels are scanned on a customer or global load stop and the route stop is marked as completed. When configured, the notification will be sent to any email/SMS number associated with stops that the scanned parcels are chained to at the time customer or global load stop is marked as completed. |
Route Stop - Parcel Exception Added | When a exception code/status code is added to a parcel on a route stop. |
Route Stop - Parcel Overage Scan | When an overage parcel is added to a route stop. There is a 60 second delay after each scan to allow for multiples to be gathered for only 1 notification alert. Every new scan will restart the timer for 60 seconds. |
Route Stop - POD | When a POD is added to a route stop. |
Route Stop - Signature | When a Signature is added a route stop. |
Route Stop - Status Code Added | When a status code is added to a route stop. |
Route Stop - Status Code Updated | When a status code is updated on a route stop. |
Route Stop - Unassigned From Driver | When a driver is unassigned from a route stop. |