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Comment: Added note on the ability to unlock driver pay from the On-Demand Dispatch board in X Dispatch 21.0.

Table of Contents


If you know the recurring order number you are searching for you can enter it in the search box in the top right. 

titleQuick Tip

This search bar can be used throughout X Dispatch and not just in the Recurring Orders section.

How to Add a New Recurring Order


  1. Go to On Demand Recurring Orders.
  2. Double click on the recurring order you would like to cancel.
  3. Click the cancel button  in the top toolbar.
titleQuick Tip

To cancel a new recurring order before it has been saved, click the X in the top right to close the form.


Field NameIcon NameDescription
Save and CloseSave the current recurring order and open a new recurring order form.
Save and Keep OpenSave the current recurring order and keep the recurring order form open.
Reprint Dispatch Ticket

Print the recurring order in a formatted print form or as seen on the screen depending on the selected Print dispatch ticket in the order type of the order. See Order Types - New / Edit Order Type

Disabled when creating a new recurring order.

Print Shipping Label

Print a shipping label for the recurring order that can be added to the package.

Disabled when creating a new recurring order.

titleQuick Tip

If you need changes made to the existing shipping label, including the logo, please contact Technical Support.

Use Imager to Scan AttachmentScan a document using a scanner connected to your computer and add it as an attachment to the recurring order.
Insert FileUpload a file as an attachment to the recurring order.
Set Dispatch FlagFlag either the Origin Remarks, Destination Remarks, Order Comments or all 3 of these fields for the recurring order.  The fields marked as flagged will be highlighted in red.

Cancel the recurring order. This will stop new orders from being created when recurring orders are posted. It will not cancel orders that have already been created and posted.

titleQuick Tip

Canceled recurring orders can be restored or viewed for reference.

Disabled when creating a new recurring order.


Restore the canceled recurring order. This will create new orders based on the recurrence schedule when recurring orders are posted.

titleQuick Tip

Restored recurring orders will need to be re-rated.

Visible only for canceled recurring orders.


Save and close the current recurring order and create a new return recurring order with the same Order Number but appended with a ".01" at the end. The new order will automatically fill in the same Customer IDContact, and Billing Group. The Origin and Destination information will be reversed. You will need to select an Order Type for the new order.

Multiple Order Same OriginSave and close the current recurring order and create a new recurring order with the same Customer IDContact, Billing Group, and Origin.
Multiple Order Same DestinationSave and close the current recurring order and create a new recurring order with the same Customer IDContact, Billing Group, and Destination.

Save and close the recurring current order and create new recurring orders in a sequence with the same Order Number but appended with a ".01", ".02", ".03", etc. at the end. The new recurring orders will automatically fill in the same Customer IDContact, and Billing Group. The Destination information will be entered for the Origin. You will need to select an Order Type for the new recurring orders.

CloneCreate a duplicate recurring order with all of the information the same except for the dates which will be filled in as the current date.
Insert Customer AddressIf the Origin Name or Destination Name field is selected, the current Customer Name and Customer Address information automatically filled in.
RateRate the recurring order. 
Lock Charges

Lock or unlock the Charges tab. If the charges are locked, no changes can be made under the Charges tab until the recurring order has been unlocked. 

  • Users with "Edit Recurring Order" permissions can only unlock charges that they have locked themselves.
  • Users with "Unlock Recurring Rates" permission can unlock rates on any locked charges.

See Permissions.

Lock Driver Pay

Lock or unlock the driver pay on the recurring order. If the driver pay is locked, no changes can be made to the driver assignment or pay under the Drivers tab until the recurring order has been unlocked. 

  • Users with "Edit Order" permissions can only unlock driver pay that they have locked themselves.
  • Users with "Unlock Recurring Rates" permission can unlock driver pay on any locked order.

See Permissions.

In X Dispatch 21.0 or newer, users with the proper permissions can unlock driver pay when assigning an order from the On-Demand Dispatch board. 

Bill Credit Card

Credit card information will not be added to the created (posted) orders. 

RecurrenceSet the recurrence schedule. See X Dispatch - Recurrence Schedule.
Flip AddressesSwitch the Origin and Destination information.

Re-calculate Distance

Recalculates the distance between origin and destination. 

View Customer Notes

Opens the Customer Notes found on the Notes tab of the customer record

titleQuick Tip

The icon will be yellow if a note exists.

View Driver SettlementsDisplays the "Driver Settlement" amount for the recurring order.
Email Status

This function does not work on recurring orders. Statuses can be emailed on the posted order. 

Email Shipping Label


Requires X Dispatch 21.0 or newer.

Open a form to email the shipping label. See How to Email a Shipping Label from the Order Form.


Field NameDescription

Customer ID

The customer ID number for the customer associated with the recurring order. 

  • Enter the customer ID number and press the Tab key to load the appropriate default customer information.
  • If you do not know the customer ID number, enter the first few letters of the company name and press the Enter key to open the Find window to search for the customer ID number.

titleQuick Tips


The customer contact name. 

titleQuick Tips
  • Use the dropdown to select a contact from the customer record.
  • Click the Contact... button  to edit the contact information.

Billing Group / Cost

Used for grouping invoices.


If the customer has sub-accounts, the sub-account can either be entered directly or picked from a list. This field can be filled in when the customer has different departments or offices that require a single invoice but need to track the usage and billing by department/office. 


The address name of the origin for the recurring order. 

  • Enter the first few letters of the address name and press the Enter key to search for an address.
  • If the origin is from the customer associated with the recurring order, press the Insert key to populate the customer's Local Information Address from the customer record(Note: If the Contact associated with the recurring order has an address, and the "Override" box is checked, the Insert key will populate the contact's address instead.) 

The address of the origin.

The button is enabled once the address is chosen from the Name field above. 

titleQuick Tips
  • Click the Address... button to search for an address.
  • Click on the address will show the location of the address on a map using your default "Left Click Mapping" option. 
  • Color of address links:
    • Blue - Validated
    • Red - Unvalidated.

This is not used on the recurring order form. 

Click to view the recurring origin location information. 


Phone number of origin address. 


If added or edited in this field it will only be saved on the recurring order and it will not be saved in the address book.

Click the Remarks... button to open a list of global origin remarks to select from that you can add or edit.

Get DirectionsClick the "Get Directions" link to open a window with a map and directions from the origin to the destination of the recurring order.

Click the arrow icon to open the Remarks in a separate window for easy editing.

Remarks (textbox)

Comments for the origin. 

Displayed in Nextstop on the Stop Info screen, Rapidship Track Order details, and X Internet Track Order. If the stop is consolidated in Nextstop, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.


The address name of the destination for the recurring order. 

  • Enter the first few letters of the address name and press the Enter key to search for an address.
  • If the destination is to the customer associated with the recurring order, press the Insert key to populate the customer's Local Information Address from the customer record(Note: If the Contact associated with the recurring order has an address, and the "Override" box is checked, the Insert key will populate the contact's address instead.) 

The address of the origin.

The button is enabled once the address is chosen from the Name field above. 

titleQuick Tips
  • Click the Address... button to search for an address.
  • Click on the address will show the location of the address on a map using your default "Left Click Mapping" option. 
  • Color of address links:
    • Blue - Validated
    • Red - Unvalidated.

This is not used on the recurring order form.

Click to view the destination location information. 

PhonePhone number of origin address. 
Click the Remarks... button to open a list of global origin remarks to select from that you can add or edit.
Get DirectionsClick the "Get Directions" link to open a window with a map and directions from the destination to the origin of the recurring order.
Click the arrow icon  to open the Remarks in a separate window for easy editing.
Remarks (textbox)

Comments for the destination. 

Displayed in Nextstop on the Stop Info screen, Rapidship Track Order details, and X Internet Track Order. If the stop is consolidated in Nextstop, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.

Email /SMS Text Alerts 


"Email/ Fax Alerts" for X Dispatch 20.0 or older

Email address(es) and/or phone number(s) that will automatically receive status update notifications for the created orders. Separate multiple entries with a semicolon ";".

titleQuick Tip

POD information will automatically be sent to the address(es) upon delivery.  

Placed / Picked Up / Delivered
These check boxes determine which email/SMS text alert notifications will be sent during the delivery process. 
  • Placed - A confirmation email the moment the recurring order is posted.
  • Picked Up - An email confirmation verifying the pick up for the created (posted) order has occurred. 
  • Delivered - An email containing POD information for the created (posted) order.
titleQuick Tip

If the customer record requires any one or all three of the above boxes, they will automatically be checked and can not be removed.


Field NameDescription

References for the recurring order usually supplied by the customer and will appear on the driver’s device and the customer’s invoice.

You can use the dropdown to select from a list of approved references or manually type one in.

  • From - The time and date the created orders will be ready for pickup. This default value is the current time and date the recurring order is created.
  • To -  The time and date the created orders must be picked up by. This value is set by your company for dispatching purposes and usually is not changed, but can be changed if there is an actual deadline.
  • When the To time should be.
    • Same Day
    • Next Day
    • Nxt Weekday 
Service Type

The service type for the recurring order. See Service Types

titleQuick Tip

Having a service type helps filter valid order types for the created orders.

Order Type

The order type for the recurring order. Only order types that are priced for this customer will appear in the list.

Parcel Info

The parcel type that is being picked up. See Parcel Types.

  • Pieces - The number of pieces to be picked up. 
  • Weight - The weight of the parcel(s) to be picked up.
  •  - Opens the Dimensional Weight Calculator. See Dimensional Weight Calculator.
  • From -  The time and date the created orders cannot be delivered before.
  • When the From time should be.
    • Same Day
    • Next Day
    • Nxt Weekday 
  • To -  The time and date the parcel must be delivered by. 
  • When the To time should be.
    • Same Day
    • Next Day
    • Nxt Weekday 


Requires X Dispatch 20.0 or newer.

Label(s) to be used for reporting purposes. See Labels.

Order Comments

General notes about the recurring order.  

titleQuick Tip

You can add Order Comments to a message format by adding the "[SpecialInst]" field to the Message Format. See Message Formats.

Not displayed in Nextstop or Rapidship.


Field NameDescription
$This is not used on the recurring order form.

Selected driver(s) for the created orders. 

titleQuick Tip

Drivers are listed by driver ID.



To view Driver Pay Items you must have the "View Driver Pay Percent" permission, under X Dispatch Functions > Orders, enabled.

The percentage value is used to calculate how much the driver will be paid. This value will default to 100% when a driver is selected. 

titleQuick Tip

If more then 1 driver is selected, you must adjust the percentage for each driver.

Pay Amount


To view Driver Pay Items you must have the "View Driver Pay Amounts" permission, under X Dispatch Functions > Orders, enabled.

The amount the driver will be paid. 


Changing this amount will override all driver pay calculations including the Percent amount.

Settlement NumberThis is not used on the recurring order form.
Required Input
Add New

Click the button to add a new specific driver prompt for the driver when he/she picks up and/or delivers the created orders. See Nextstop 3 Required Driver Input. 

Insert excerpt
Nextstop 3 Required Driver Input
Nextstop 3 Required Driver Input

Required InputThe prompt to display for the driver.
ResponseThe driver's response.
TimestampThe timestamp when the driver responded.

When the prompt will appear. 

  • Pickup
  • Delivery.

How to Remove a Driver or Delete a Required Input



The task must be completed to dismiss the pop up.

Image Modified

When the Mark as Completed button is clicked, a date field will appear to enter the time and date that the task was completed. 

titleQuick Tip

The Open Parent button will open the human resource record attached to the task.
