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The settings available in the Stops Workflow section allows allow users to configure how the Stops List is displayed.


When enabled, stops are automatically merged based on time windows and addresses. When enabled, you can create new consolidated stops, add stops to a consolidated group, or remove stops from a consolidated group.This setting is especially helpful for route stops that required require both a pickup and a delivery to the same location and for on-demand orders that require bulk pickup or bulk delivery.


Group Stops By Tracking ID


Available if when “Automatic Stop Consolidation” and/or “Manually consolidate stops” is not enabled.

When enabled, stops are grouped together by their Tracking ID, and on-demand orders are grouped together in the Stops List. Pickup and delivery portions are shown as one tile.


  • Itinerary: Stops are sorted by start time unless overridden by the dispatcher sequence. On demand orders display first, then routed. For route stops, dispatch may provide an itinerary based on customer requests, time optimization, etc.  Route stops are displayed grouped by route, and then by start time. 

  • Closest to Me: Stops are sequenced from closest to your current GPS location to farthest, using a straight line distance.

  • Status:  Stops are sequenced by the status of the stop. Stops are sequenced by status in the following order.   

    • Unconfirmed:  Unconfirmed stops are secondarily sorted by end time from the earliest to the latest in descending order, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Arrived:  Arrived stops are secondarily sorted by actual arrival time from the most recent arrival to the oldest in descending order.  

    • Late:  Late stops are secondarily sorted by end time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then by closest to the device location, and then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Almost Late: Almost late stops are secondarily sorted by the end time in ascending order, then by closest to the device location. 

    • Ready: Ready stops are secondarily sorted by end time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Almost Ready:  Almost ready stops are secondarily sorted by beginning time beginning with the earliest in descending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Early:  early stops are secondarily sorted by beginning time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then by closest to the device location, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Not Ready:  not ready stops are secondarily sorted by end time beginning with the earliest in ascending order, then alphabetically by stop name.

    • Complete:  completed stops are secondarily sorted by actual completion time beginning with the most recent.

  • Start Time: When Start Time sort is selected, stops are sequenced in chronological order based on the start of the stop time window.

  • End Time: When End Time sort is selected, stops are sequenced in chronological order based on the end of the stop time window.


When enabled, stops marked as “Complete” will not be displayed in the stops list.

When disabled, stops will remain visible for 24 hours in the past when compared against the Delivered date/timestamp as long as the “Deliver To” time on the order is less than 30 days old.

If “Hide Complete Stops” and “Group Stops By Tracking ID” are both enabled, completed pickup stops will display until the delivery stop is completed.



Quick Tip

If you are having trouble syncing, log out, swipe/close the Driver App completely, and log back in.

Future Order Display

Select how far in the future on demand orders will displaybe displayed.


This filter is for on demand orders only and will not affect route stops.

  • Show All Future Orders: Shows all orders.

  • Show 12 Hrs in Advance: Show orders that are or will be ready in the next 12 hours.

  • Show 1 Day in Advance: Show orders that are or will be ready in the next 24 hours.

  • Show 2 Days in Advance: Show orders that are or will be ready in the next 48 hours.

  • Hide All Future Orders: Show only ready orders that are ready. Orders that will be ready in 1 minute or more will be hidden.
