Did You Know? | Mobile Option Sets / Mobile Users

Did You Know? | Mobile Option Sets / Mobile Users

Mobile Option Sets and Mobile Users

Mobile Option Sets and Mobile Users provide a quick and easy way to control and customize how Nextstop is delivered to your drivers. Think of Mobile Option Sets as a set of permissions for each Mobile User inside the mobile device.

Now located inside of X Dispatch → Maintenance, it is easier than ever to access.

Default Setting Override

Even though a mobile user is assigned to a Mobile Option Set, it doesn’t mean you can’t customize, customize, customize!

With the visual notification to alert you to a change from the default setting on the options set, there is no guesswork.

Creating Additional Mobile Option Sets

You are able to create multiple Mobile Option Sets to suit every type of driver – right from X Dispatch!

By adjusting Mobile Options, you can give more privileges to employees and veteran drivers or lock down features for new drivers.

Speaking of New Drivers…

We have added the ability to specify the number of stops to display in the stops list.

If it makes sense for your business, you can limit the number of stops available to your drivers via Nextstop and can either visually disable the stops or hide them completely. This is very helpful to avoid overwhelming a new driver with too much information on their device. With this feature, dispatchers can assign a larger number of jobs, but can rely on the software to dispatch those jobs to the driver in smaller groups – or even one at a time!