How to Customize the X Mobile Message Format

How to Customize the X Mobile Message Format

There are many areas in X Dispatch that we've designed to be customizable. One such section is the X Mobile Message Format.  This flexibility allows for your drivers to receive just the right information.

To edit the X Mobile Message Format, browse to 'Maintenance->Message Formats' and double-click on the format that you're currently utilizing for X Mobile:

The first customizable field is the 'Message Subject': this option will determine what information is shown on the driver's on-demand manifest, as well as what details about the order will be displayed at the top of the screen while that order is open:


It's important to keep in mind that the longer the 'Message Subject', the more space it will need at the top of the X Mobile screen which means that your drivers will have to scroll more to view the details of the orders.  This is especially important for devices with small screens.

To view the list of available fields that can be used in the X Mobile Message Format, browse to the Message Format's Format tab:

Simply type the field name exactly as it's listed, including the square brackets.  By placing the field name in brackets, X Mobile will pull in that variable value from the order.

Also, you have the ability to customize the details that are displayed for an order when a driver opens it from their X Mobile On-Demand Manifest:

Lastly, you can set exactly which status updates should be available for the driver in the 'Next Action' menu of X Mobile.  Browse to the 'X Mobile Settings' tab and check which status updates you'd like sent to X Mobile:


As a reminder, the message format for a driver is set on their driver record (browse to 'Mainteneance->Drivers' and double-click on a driver to edit):

If you'd like different information to be sent out to different drivers, simply right-click on the X Mobile Message format, choose 'Copy', and enter an ID number for the new format.  This will create a new format that matches the copied one exactly.  Edit the new format with the modifications you desire, and set the proper drivers to the new message format.

The customization of information sent to drivers using X Mobile is one more feature that allows you to use our complete software solution to match your company's individual needs. 

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