Route Manifest

This page is for the Operations App. For the Classic Operations App please see .

The route manifest lists all of the stops that are assigned to a route. You can view the route manifest by going to Visual Dispatch and right-clicking on a route. From the menu, click View Route Manifest.


Field Name


Field Name



The Sequence number of the route stop.

Status Code

Last entered Status Code for the route stop.

Name Address

The Name and Address of the route stop.

Type Pieces Weight

The Stop Type, Pieces, and Weight for the route stop.

Long Remarks References

The Notes, Long Remarks, and References for the route stop.

Min, Max Preferred, Actual

The Min, Max, Preferred, and Completed time for the route stop.

Time color:



Late Icon Red diamond icon displayed if the route stop is late. The route stop is late if the current or completed time is past the Max time for the stop.


The Status indicator displays the current stage of the route stop.


The ETA for the route stop is displayed if the route is optimized. See Route Optimization.

Stamp or Reference

The route stamp number or order ID of the associated route stop. 


The Scan Barcode of the route stop.

Contract Stop ID

The Contract Stop ID displays the unique identification number of the contract stop associated with the route stop.

Some route stops may not have a Contract Stop ID. This is because route stops can be created in various ways, such as through integration with other systems.

Total Over Short Except

The Total, Over, Short, and Exceptions number of parcels for the route stop. 


Screenshot 2024-06-19 104927.png

A signature icon will be displayed if a signature was collected when completing the route stop.


The POD will be displayed if a Signee was entered when completing the route stop.

Visible when Display POD Name on Route Manifest Global Option in the X Route tab is checked.

Driver ID

The Driver ID displays the unique identification number of the driver assigned to a specific stop.

Contract ID

The Contact ID displays the unique identification number of the contract assigned to a specific stop.

Route ID

The Route ID displays the unique identification number of the route associated to a specific stop.

Invoice Number

The Invoice Number links a particular invoice to the corresponding stop on the route.

Barcode Text

The Barcode Text shows the unique number/letter combination that identifies the barcode. You can also find this text printed below the barcode itself.

Is Active

Displays “true” if the stop is active, or “false” if deactivated.


Lat indicates the Latitude of the route stop address.


Lon indicates the Longitude of the route stop address.

Parent Stop

Indicates stop marked as a parent.

This parent/child relationship can be used for activating or deactivating posted routes on the dispatch board. If the parent is marked as inactive, any children will also be marked inactive, and if the parent is marked as active, all of the associated children stops will be activated.

Child Of

The parent stop ID.

This parent/child relationship can be used for activating or deactivating posted routes on the dispatch board. If the parent is marked as inactive, any children will also be marked inactive, and if the parent is marked as active, all of the associated children stops will be activated.

Route Recommendation

Displays the last result that was given as the best recommended route when assisted dispatch was last run.

Next Stop

Screenshot 2024-06-19 105027.png A green checkmark icon will be displayed when the stop is marked as a driver's next stop or is the next stop on a driver sequence and the driver assigned to the route is checked in.








Click to print the current route manifest to your default printer.


Click to export the current route manifest to your computer as a csv file.

New Stop

Click to add a new stop to the current route.

Auto Sequence Route

Click to auto sequence the route.

Sequence Route

Click to manually sequence the route.

Activate All Stops

Click to activate all stops on the route.

Deactivate All Stops

Click to deactivate all stops on the route.

Show/Hide Columns

Click to show or hide columns on the manifest. A window will pop-up allowing you to customize the display of columns on this page. You can drag and drop columns into groups and arrange them in your preferred order.


Click to access help, which links out to our knowledge base.

Right-Click Menu





Deactivate Stop

Deactivate the route stop.

Activate Stop

Activate the route stop.

Adjust this and all following stop time windows

Adjust time windows for route stops in bulk. See Adjust Rate Stops.

Adjust this and all preceding stop time windows

Adjust time windows for route stops in bulk. See Adjust Rate Stops.

Distribution Parcels

Edit Contract

Edit Contract Stop

Make Next Stop

Mark the selected stop as the “Next Stop”.


Request Recommended Route (Assisted Dispatch)

View Assisted Dispatch Results

View Map

Opens a map with the route stop plotted.