Import Audit Log (X Dispatch 21.0)

Import Audit Log (X Dispatch 21.0)

For X Dispatch 21.0 or older. See here for other versions.

The Import Audit Log lists imports and results. Here you can find information on your integration import into X Dispatch such as making sure the import was successful if there were any failures and errors, or when the import was processed.

To get to the Import Audit Log go to X Stream > Import Audit Log.

Field NameDescription
Process DateThe date and time that the activity occurred.  For example, with a Type of ASN, this time represents when the file imported route stops into the system.
Import PKIDUnique ID number, associated to each activity. 
Customer IDThe customer ID associated to the activity.

The type of import:

  • ROWS: Order import done by using the Remote Order Web Service.
  • ON_DEMAND: Order import.
  • CANCELED: Order import that was canceled and removed from the system.
  • ASN: Route stop import.
  • UNPOST: Route stop import that was unposted from the system.
  • ImportPKID: Critical error. You will need to contact Technical Support to troubleshoot this type.
Total SuccessfulTotal number of successful orders or route stops imported.
Total FailedTotal number of failed order or route stop imports.
IP Address

IP address of where the files were imported from.

If a CANCELED or UNPOST action is taken, this field will display the username of the person who completed the action.  

Import File Name

Directory path to the processed folder where the imported file is located.

If a CANCELED or UNPOST action is taken, this field will display information about the ASN or ON_DEMAND entry removed, including the corresponding Import PKID for the work. 

ErrorsA clickable icon that will bring up a window providing the error information if there were any errors when processing, or the XML post info for a ROWS type. 
Alternate LookupAlternate Lookup of the customer associated with the import. See Customer Alternate Lookup.

How to View Imported Orders or Route Stops

  1. Go to X Stream > Import Audit Log.
  2. Right click on the import audit log you would like to view and select the Find... that you want to view. 

The Find window will open with the results. 

Section Functions 

Customize Grid Layout 

You can customize which columns you would like to view and arrange the order by clicking the Edit Grid Layout icon 

Change View

Requires X Dispatch 19.1 or newer.

You can switch between a table view and a card view by clicking on the Card View icon  or Table View icon .

Zooming Settings

Requires X Dispatch 21.0 or newer.

You can zoom in or out of Next Dispatch pages in X Dispatch by right clicking on the page (other than on a card or table) and selecting Zoom In or Zoom Out, or use the Ctrl + or Ctrl - keys. 


Use the checkbox at the beginning of each row, or at the top of each card, to select multiple records. 

Quick Tip

No more than 2 windows can be open or edited at a time. 

Right Click Menu

Right click on a row or card to view right click menu options.

ASN menu:

  • Find Imported Route Stops
  • Unpost Imported Route Stops 

    This will delete the imported route stops, and cannot be undone.

On Demand menu:

  • Find Imported On Demand Orders
  • Remove Imported On Demand Orders 

    This will delete the orders, and cannot be undone.

Failed Import and Error Text

If you experience any problems with your integration importing into X Dispatch, you can find an error message in the Import Audit Log identifying what went wrong. 

To view the error text double click on the link in the Errors column. This will open the ImportError.txt file in Notepad ++. 

Quick Tip

For ASN or On Demand type imports, find "<ErrDescription>".


ErrDescription: Processing orders not allowed outside your customer list

 Click here to expand...

(error) Problem:  The Internet User for the integration does not have permission to create orders or route stops for the specified Customer ID.  Internet User credentials are required to authenticate the request to insert orders and route stops into your system for a given customer.  

(tick) Solution:  Open the Internet User record in X Dispatch (Maintenance > Internet Users), used for the integration in question.  Check the "Allowed Customer Accounts" list, and ensure the checkbox is marked for all additional customers to be used for the integration configuration.

ErrDescription: User ID and/or Password Invalid

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(error) Problem:  The Internet User for the integration is attempting to use invalid user ID and/or password credentials, as specified on the internet user record in X Dispatch.  

(tick) Solution:  Contact CXT Technical Support to repair the integration configurations.  Please ensure the user ID and password are not changed without CXT Software involvement.

ErrDescription: Type mismatch

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(error) Problem:  During the process of the import configuration translating data from the inbound file into a readable format for X Import, one or more fields were translated into a format that is not acceptable in the X Dispatch database.  For example (as pictured below), alpha characters in the CustID field, which is expected to be a numeric integer value.

(tick) Solution:  Review all XML elements in the error file for unexpected values.  Make the necessary corrections to the ASN file to ensure valid data is pushed to the database for the next import.  Retry the import.

ErrDescription: There is no service available for this request

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(error) Problem:  Parameters set on the order type are inconsistent with the data attempting to be imported in the file.  Possibly, the order type does not have X Internet hours of operation enabled (which is required for integration imports), or the calculated distance is outside of specified bounds.

(tick) Solution:  Check that the Order Type hours of operation are enabled, and the appropriate days / hours are checked.  Confirm the order attempting to be imported does not exceed any maximum distance configurations.


ErrDescription: CalculateRateStamp failed - Header Error. Rate chart [x] for this order type does not exist 

[x] is based on the rate chart assigned to the customer being imported to. This occurs for route stops only.

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(error) Problem:  The imported route stop was unable to find a Stamp Rate Chart on the associated customer's rate chart.  

(tick) Solution:  Check the rate chart grouping assigned to the customer for the imported route stop.  Navigate to Maintenance > Rate Charts and confirm a Stamp Rate Chart exists in the appropriate rate chart group.  If a chart does not exist, a new rate chart will need to be created, use the small down-arrow to the right of the "New" button at the top of X Dispatch, and scroll down to "Stamp Rate Chart"

The file is not importing, no audit trail is visible is the X Stream > Import Audit Log

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(error) Problem:  If an X Stream > Import Audit Log is not visible (indicating the file was not available to attempt processing and product an error message), the issue likely lies with the file transmission. 

(tick) Solution:  Check the Error box (visible, if an error is present, in the bottom right area) within the X Stream Definition's schedule, to determine the failure.  To open the schedule, double-click the highlighted schedule in the bottom left box of the X Stream Definition you set up for file transmission.  

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