X Import

X Import requires an X Stream license. Additional charges may apply.

X Stream provides smooth, quick data transfer from your customer’s system, whether it is Windows® based or not, and from virtually any manufacturer. 

An X Import preprocessor is at its most basic an executable that accepts a filename as its first command-line argument.  It then performs data aggregation or transformation and outputs data to STDOUT in a format that can be processed by X Import.


  • X Import reads in all the configuration files from its working directory set.

  • X Import monitors a directory for files (DataPath).

  • If a file is found that matches the extension (DataMask) then the file is selected for processing.

  • If the configuration file specifies a preprocessor, then pass the current filename to Ratepreprocessor and use the data returned by the preprocessor for further parsing.

  • Once the file (or preprocessor output) is read, data is parsed according to the configuration file.

  • X Import iterates through input file, building an internal list of orders or route stops.

  • X Import iterates through its internal list of orders/stops and posts them to XMLListener (see Posting Process below)

  • When X Import has attempted to place all orders/routes, it creates an audit log which is available in the Operations App through X Stream > Import Audit Log. 

  • If the import has inactive or terminated drivers assigned to incoming orders the driver ID will be removed and the orders will be unassigned.

Posting Process

On Demand Orders

  • Send OrderRequest to XMLListener

  • Receive OrderResponse/ErrorResponse from XMLListener

  • Send OrderSelectedRequest to XMLListener 

  • Receive OrderSelectedResponse/ErrorResponse from XMLListener

Route Stops

  • Send ProcessASNRequest to XMLListener

  • Receive ProcessASNResponse/ErrorResponse from XMLListener

