Advanced Find automation X Stream Definition

Advanced Find automation X Stream Definition

The following are required to setup of the X Stream definition to run an Advanced Find and export it to an FTP on a schedule:

  • The Group Folder under Query Definitions (Advanced Find, File cabinet) called "CXT - X Stream Definition Exports".

  • The Query Definition (Advanced Find) must be in the correct group folder.

  • The Stored Procedure required to run the Query Definition (Advanced Find) installed by CXT Software Support.

Definition Setup

To set up the Export Definition follow the steps below. The Advanced find that is used must not require any user input. This cannot be used with Saved Basic Finds.

  1. Go to X Stream, Definitions

  2. Click New 

  3. Enter a Configuration Type (Use a naming convention for organization) 

  4. Enter a description

  5. In the Export Type Drop Down choose Generic Batch Delimited

  6. In the Edit the Definition section click the drop down and choose DataStoredProcedure, enter in CUSTOM_CXT_X_Stream_Definition_Export (This must match exactly or the definition will not work)

  7. In the Edit the Definition section click the drop down and choose FtpAddress (The FTP host you will be sending to)

  8. In the Edit the Definition section click the drop down and choose RemotePath (The path on the FTP where files will be placed)

  9. In the Edit the Definition section click the drop down and choose CustID (The Query Name (Advanced Find Name))

  10. In the Edit the Definition section click the drop down and choose Login (The FTP username)

  11. In the Edit the Definition section click the drop down and choose Password (The FTP Password)

  12. In the Edit the Definition section click the drop down and choose RequireSignatures (This is a required field for the definition set to 0)

  13. In the Edit the Definition section click the drop down and choose DataFilenameFormat (The File Name to export (Date time formats for C# can be used to make a unique file name))

  14. Click Apply 

  15. Click Add a Schedule 

  16. Set the Schedule you want the Definition to run on 

  17. Click OK

  18. Click OK

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