How to Require Parcel Types and/or Parcel Status Codes When an Overage is Scanned

This content may be outdated as newer versions of our Driver App (Nextstop 3) are available. See Driver App for current documentation.

By default, when an overage is scanned it will auto-populate the parcel type, weight, length, width, and height set in the Mobile Option Sets (Classic Operations App), Drivers, or in the Nextstop app. This can be a problem if drivers are not making sure that the parcel type is correct. In addition to requiring drivers to enter a parcel type, you can also require drivers to enter a parcel status code.

Require Parcel Types Entry

Where to Setup in X Dispatch

In Mobile Option Sets or Mobile Users, disable the "Overage Defaults" option. See Mobile Option Sets (Classic Operations App) or Drivers.

In Nextstop

When the “Overage Defaults” option is disabled, the driver must Select Parcel Type after scanning an unexpected parcel.

Require Parcel Status Codes

Where to Setup in X Dispatch

In Mobile Option Sets or Mobile Users, enable the "Require Parcel Status Code" option. See Mobile Option Sets (Classic Operations App) or Drivers.

In Nextstop

When "Require Parcel Status Code" is enabled, the driver must enter a Status Code after scanning an unexpected parcel.


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