Field Name | Description |
Driver | Driver ID. A warning icon is displayed in front of a driver ID 5 minutes after an order is dispatched to a driver and the driver has not marked it confirmed. |
Vehicle Class (vehicle icon) | Displays an icon according to the class of the vehicle that is set in the driver record. The available icons are a bicycle, bobtail, car, motorcycle, pickup, scooter, or van. - Red- Indicates at least one order has a service failure, either on the pickup or the delivery.
- Yellow- Indicates at least one of the undelivered orders is approaching its deadline.
- Green- All undelivered orders are NOT late, or within 15 mins of being late.
Direction (compass icon) | Displays the direction of travel if GPS is enabled on the driver's mobile device. |
RO | Status of last route optimization. See Route Optimization. - Green Checkmark - Driver has been optimized.
- Yellow ! - Warnings such as no possible solution or the end/begin time being incompatible.
- Red X - Cannot run optimization for the driver.
Bearing | The direction or course of motion determined by the GPS chip of the mobile device. Similar to "Direction" but the bearing is represented numerically from 0-360 |
Speed | This reports the speed of the driver through GPS report data collected from the mobile device. |
Nickname | Nickname from the "Nickname" field in the "General" tab of the driver's human resource record. See Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource. |
Vehicle | Vehicle description from the vehicle record associated with the driver's record. See Vehicles (Desktop Classic Operations App). |
Count(On Demand) Info |
Count for X Dispatch 21.0.3 or older. |
| Number of active, uncompleted on demand orders assigned to the driver. |
Score | Displays a number from 0 to 3000. This number is assigned when using the auto ranking feature. See Driver Ranking Configuration. |
Piece Total | Total number of pieces to be picked up and delivered by the driver. |
Weight Total | Total weight of parcels to be picked up and delivered by the driver. |
VehicleID | Vehicle ID from the vehicle record associated with the driver's record. See Vehicles (Desktop Classic Operations App). |
MinWeight | See Vehicles (Desktop Classic Operations App). |
MaxWeight | See Vehicles (Desktop Classic Operations App). |
Capacity | See Vehicles (Desktop Classic Operations App). |
Parking | See Vehicles (Desktop Classic Operations App). |
RelSpeed | See Vehicles (Desktop Classic Operations App). |
HazmatClasses | Visible field, available for use through custom work only. |
WorkerID | Human resource ID of the driver. This can be found in the driver record under "Human Resource". See Drivers (Classic Operations App). |
Performance | Performance score from the "Performance" field in the driver's record. See Drivers (Classic Operations App). |
HomeZip | Zip code for the driver's starting location set in the driver's record. See Drivers (Classic Operations App). |
FleetID | Fleet ID for the fleet associated with the driver. |
FleetName | Fleet name for the fleet associated with the driver under "Fleet" in the driver's record. See Drivers (Classic Operations App). |
LastReportLat | Latitude coordinate of the last time the mobile device GPS communicated with the server. |
LastReportLon | Longitude coordinate of the last time the mobile device GPS communicated with the server. |
Previous Zip | Longitude Zip Code associated with the driver's previous location, prior to the Current Zip. |
Previous Report | The last time either GPS was reported or an action caused the location to be updated (At Origin, At Destination, Completing a stop, etc.). |
GPS Lat | GPS latitude point from the last GPS update reported from a driver. |
GPS Lon | GPS longitude point from the last GPS update reported from a driver. |
GPSReportZip | Zip code from the last GPS update reported from a driver. |
GPSReportZone | Zone from the order of the last GPS update from a driver. |
GPSReportTime | Time and date of the last GPS update from a driver. - Gray - The time is 10+ minutes in the past, and the LastMobileReport field is less than 5 minutes ago, or the GPS Report time is 5-10 minutes in the past and the LastMobileReport field is less than 5 minutes ago.
- Red - The LastMobileReport field is older than 5 minutes AND GPSReportTime > 10 minutes old
- Yellow - More than 5 minutes in the past, (will be gray in the situation above if the LastXTReport is within the last 5 minutes)
GPS Post | Displays a 1 if there was a GPS update from the driver. |
CurrentReportLat | Latitude from the last time either GPS was reported, or an action caused the location to be updated (At Origin, At Destination, dispatcher manually setting a driver's location via the dispatch board, etc). |
CurrentReportLon | Longitude from the last time either GPS was reported, or an action caused the location to be updated (At Origin, At Destination, dispatcher manually setting a driver's location via the dispatch board, etc). |
Current Zip | Zip code from the last time either GPS was reported, or an action caused the location to be updated (At Origin, At Destination, dispatcher manually setting a driver's location via the dispatch board, etc). |
Current Zone | Zone from the last time either the GPS was reported, or an action caused the location to be updated (At Origin, At Destination). |
Current Report | Time and date of the last driver post. A driver post is last time either GPS was reported, or an action caused the location to be updated (At Origin, At Destination, dispatcher manually setting a driver's location via the dispatch board, etc). |
NextLat | Latitude for driver's next stop. A 0 will be displayed if no "next stop" is selected. |
NextLon | Longitude for driver's next stop. A 0 will be displayed if no "next stop" is selected. |
NextZip | Zip code for driver's next stop. A 0 will be displayed if no "next stop" is selected. |
NextZone | Zone for the driver's next pickup/delivery set on an on demand order. |
NextReportTime | Timestamp for when X Dispatch when Operations App last synced with the mobile device to get next stop details. |
FurthestLat | Furthest pickup/delivery location latitude for linking on demand orders from the current GPS location. Only updates if there has also been a GPS update within the last 3 minutes of updating an order. |
FurthestLon | Furthest pickup/delivery location longitude for linking on demand orders from the current GPS location. Only updates if there has also been a GPS update within the last 3 minutes of updating an order. |
FurthestZip | Furthest pickup/delivery location zip for linking on demand orders from the current GPS location. Only updates if there has also been a GPS update within the last 3 minutes of updating an order. |
FurthestZone | Furthest pickup/delivery location zone for linking on demand orders from the current GPS location. Only updates if there has also been a GPS update within the last 3 minutes of updating an order. |
Furthest Report | Furthest longitude point from a GPS coordinate reported by a driver. |
Status | - Green - All orders assigned to driver are beyond the orders pickup/delivery warning settings on the corresponding order type
- Yellow - An order assigned to the driver is between the required pickup/delivery time and its corresponding warning time, but not late
- Red - An order assigned to the driver is late for pickup/delivery
Email | Driver's email from the "Primary Email" field on the driver's record. See Drivers (Classic Operations App). |
Name | Name from "Last Name" and "First Name" fields on the driver's human resource record. See Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource. |
Comments | This information is filled in automatically from "Default Comments" on the driver record (see Drivers (Classic Operations App)) or is changed through the right-click menu selection "Edit Comments". This is used to communicate to dispatchers any special situations regarding a driver. |
HR Ins Expires | Date the driver's human resource insurance expires. From the driver's human resource record "Expires" field of the "Insurance" section in the "Advanced" tab. See Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource. |
HR Lic Expires | Date the driver's license human resource expires. From the driver's human resource record "Expires" field of the "Drivers License" section in the "Advanced" tab. See Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource. |
Veh Ins Expires | Date the driver's vehicle insurance expires. From the driver's vehicle record "Expires" field of the "Insurance" section. See Vehicles (Desktop Classic Operations App). |
Veh Registration Expires | Date the driver's vehicle license expires. From the driver's vehicle record "Expires" field of the "License" section. See Vehicles (Desktop Classic Operations App). |
MobilePhone | Mobile phone number from the "Mobile" field in the "General" tab of the driver's human resource record. See Human Resources - New / Edit Human Resource. |
PreferredEndTime | "Preferred End Time" from the "General" tab of the driver record. See Drivers (Classic Operations App). |
LastMobileReport | Time and date of the last time the mobile device communicated to the server, regardless of if GPS was collected. For example, this updates even if the GPS chip was broken on a mobile device. |
MinIdle | Mins between no and the last update to an order status value. |
CurrentXTVersion | The mobile version of the driver's device (X Mobile or Nextstop). |
Previous Report (Local) | The last time either GPS was reported or an action caused the location to be updated (At Origin, At Destination, Completing a stop, etc.). |
GPSReportTimeLocal | Localized Timestamp of the last GPS update from a driver. |
Current Report (Local) | Localized Timestamp of the last driver post. |
NextReportTimeLocal | Localized Timestamp for when X Dispatch when Operations App last synced with the mobile device to get next stop details. |
Furthest Report (Local) | Localized Timestamp of furthest GPS report, reported by a driver. |
LastMobileReport (Local) | Localized Timestamp of the last time the mobile device communicated to the server, regardless of if GPS was collected. |
GPSLocationError |
Info |
Requires X Dispatch 19.2 or newer and Nextstop 3 or newer. |
Numeric code for the location error. |
LastErrorGPS |
Info |
Requires X Dispatch 19.2 or newer and Nextstop 3 or newer. |
Description of the location error. |
Max Dim Weight |
Info |
Requires X Dispatch 21.0 or newer. |
Maximum amount of dimensional weight that can be assigned to the vehicle (driver). |
Dim Weight Total |
Info |
Requires X Dispatch 21.0 or newer. |
Total dimensional weight assigned to the driver. |
Count(Routed) Info |
StopCount for X Dispatch 21.0.3 or older. |
Info |
Requires X Dispatch 21.0 or newer. |
Number of route stops on active routes assigned to the driver. |
AD |
Info |
Requires X Dispatch 21.0 or newer. |
Displays whether the driver has the Assisted Dispatch permission enabled or disabled. See Assisted Dispatch (Wise Systems). |
Count(All) |
Info |
Requires X Dispatch 21.0.4 or newer. |
Number of both on demand orders and route stops that are active and assigned to the driver. |