Tip |
Quick Tip: You can use the following finds to troubleshoot or oversee location scanning.
See Find for the Operations App or Advanced Find Service for the Classic Operations App. |
Where to Setup in the Operations App
For Orders
The address' Location Barcode or Lookup Barcode must match the barcode scanned by the driver. The Location Barcode is unique for all addresses, including internet user addresses, whereas the Lookup Barcode is unique per customer and unique per internet user address book. See Addresses.
Forced location scanning for orders can be enabled on the customer record, address record, recurring order form, or order form. If an order has forced location scanning set in multiple places, the driver will be prompted to perform a location scan for all of the selected events. For example, if the customer record's Force Location Scan on Pickup is set as "Upon Arrival" and the order form is set as "Upon Departure" for the Pickup event, the driver will be required to perform a location scan for both the arrival and departure at the pickup address.
On the Customer
In the customer record, choose between "None", "Upon Arrival", "Upon Departure" or "Both" in the Force Location Scan on Pickup and/or Force Location Scan on Delivery field(s).
See Customers - New/Edit Customer.
On the Address
In the Operations App address record, use the action menu at the bottom, and select Location Barcode. From here you can choose between "None", "Upon Arrival", "Upon Departure" or "Both" in the Force Location Scan on Pickup and/or Force Location Scan on Delivery field(s).
Tip |
Quick Tip: This can also be set from the internet user's address book. See Internet Users. |
On the Order
From the order form, choose between "None", "Upon Arrival", "Upon Departure" or "Both" for Pickup and/or Delivery in the General tab under Force Location Scan.
See Orders.
On the Recurring Order
From the recurring order form, choose between "None", "Upon Arrival", "Upon Departure" or "Both" for Pickup and/or Delivery in the General tab under Force Location Scan.
See Recurring Order.
For Routes
The Secondary Lookup, which is set up per route stop, or Mobile Secondary Lookup, which is set up per contract stop, is a text field representing the barcode to be used for location scanning. The barcode to be scanned by the driver at the stop location must match this value. If the Secondary Lookup, or Mobile Secondary Lookup, is empty when the stop is created, then the route/contract stop’s address Location Barcode will be entered in the field.
Tip |
Quick Tip: If the posting a route stop does not pull in the Secondary Lookup as expected, this could be due to your contract stop being created prior to this functionality being released. You must open the route stop’s contract stop and delete the address, readd the address, then save the stop for the Secondary Lookup to be assocaited with the address' Location Barcode the next time you post the contract stop. |
On the Route Stop
In the Edit Stop form for route stops, choose between "None", "Upon arrival", "Upon departure" or "Both" in the Force Location Scan field. The location scan barcode is set up in the Misc tab under Secondary Lookup.
See Dispatch - New / Edit Posted Route Stop.
On the Contract Stop
In the Misc tab in the Edit Contract Stop form, choose between "None", "Upon arrival", "Upon departure" or "Both" in the Force Location Scan field. The location scan barcode is set up in the Misc tab under Mobile Secondary Lookup.
See Contract Stops - New / Edit Contract Stops.
In the Driver App
When a driver is at a stop that requires a location scan, the "Arrived" / "Delivery" button will change to "Arrival Scan" / "Departure Scan" on the Stop Info screen.