Dispatch - New / Edit Posted Route Stop

Dispatch - New / Edit Posted Route Stop

The route stop form allows you to edit information for a posted route stop or to add a new stop to a posted route. 

How to Add a New Route Stop 

From the Classic Operations App

  1. Click the down arrow next to the New button in the toolbar.

  2. Click Route Stop.

From X Route Dispatch Board

Click the New button  in the toolbar.

From Route Manifest

Click the New Stop button  at the top.

From Editing a Stop

In the toolbar, click Save and New to create a new stop on the current route, or click Save and Clone to create a new stop on the current route with the same information, except the Location, of the current stop. 

How to Clone a Posted Route Stop

You can clone a posted route stop. 

  1. Open a posted route stop. 

  2. Click Save and Clone.

Basic Information

  • Customer ID

  • Driver ID

  • Date

  • Route ID

  • Active checkbox setting

Location Tab

  • Name

  • Address

    • Address 2

    • City

    • State

    • Zip/Postal Code

  • Stop Type

  • Sequence (This will be one number higher than the original stop)

Required Driver Input Tab

  • Required Driver Input

  • Event

Notes/remarks/action buttons

  • Email/Fax Alerts

Basic Information

  • Parent Stop checkbox

  • Parent Stop drop-down menu

  • Force Location Scan drop-down menu

  • Notes

  • Current Day's Short Remarks

  • Current Day's Long Remarks

Rates Container

  • Pieces

  • Weight

  • Accessorial Item 1

  • Accessorial Item 2

Location Tab

  • Reference 1

  • Reference 2

User Tab

  • User Field 1

  • User Field 2

  • User Field 3

  • User Field 4

  • User Field 5

  • User Field 6

Times Tab

  • Override Time Windows checkbox

  • Min

  • Preferred

  • Max

Misc Tab

  • Secondary Lookup

  • Customer Route ID

  • Customer Stop ID

  • Customer Account ID

  • Override Settlement checkbox AND value

  • Override GL Account

  • Rate Chart Lookup

  • BOL

  • AFL1

  • AFL2

  • Send Parcel Scans Immediately checkbox

How to Edit a Posted Route Stop

From the Classic Operations App

Use the search field in the top right under the toolbar. 

From the Route Manifest

Double-click on any column of the stop you would like to edit, except for the "Name Address Signature" column. 

Clicking on the "Name Address Signature" column will open a web browser with a map showing the address.

How to Delete/Deactivate a Posted Route Stop 

Once a route stop has action taken on it, it cannot be deleted. It can only be deactivated.

Stop Form

Top toolbar

The top toolbar contains icons representing actions that can be taken in regards to the route stop.


Field Name



Field Name


Save and Close

Save changes to the route stop and close the form.

Save and New

Save changes to the current route stop and create a new route stop to the current route.

Save and Keep Open

Save changes to the current route stop and keep the form open.

Save and Clone

Save changes to the current route stop and create a new route stop with the information, except for the Location, of the current stop.


Close the form without saving any changes.


Delete the current route stop.


Display the parcels form for contract stop parcels. Custom work is required for this functionality to be enabled.

The parcels icon is only displayed if enabled by CXT Software through custom work.

Distribution Parcels

Display the Parcel Manifest. See Parcel Manifest

Miscellaneous Data

Display Miscellaneous Data. Miscellaneous Data is used during integration imports if needed for the integration.

Insert File

Insert a file attachment from your computer to the route stop.

View Scan History

Generates and displays a scan history report for this stop it in the default web browser. 

Basic Information

This section of the form contains basic information about the route stop.

Field Name


Field Name


Scan Barcode

The PKID of the posted route stop, an associated stamp, or an on demand order ID.

Quick Tips

When creating a new route stop use one of the following methods to populate this field:

  • To associate the route stop with a customer type the letter C and customer ID. See Customers - New/Edit Customer for more information on customers.

  • To create a route stop based on an on demand order type the letter D and the on demand order ID. See Orders for more information on on demand orders.

  • To assign a stamp to the route stop type the letter S and the stamp ID. See X Route - Stamps for more information on stamps.

View Audit Trail...

Opens the audit trail allowing you to view all the changes made to the stop form.

View Scan History...

Generates and displays a scan history report for this stop it in the default web browser. 

Driver ID

 The ID of the driver assigned to the route.  This field is read-only.  


Date the stop was posted on or assigned if creating a new stop. 

Contract ID / Stop ID

Contract ID and Contract Stop ID of the Contract Stop from which the route stop was posted.  This field is read-only. Both will read "None" if the stop was manually added/created from an on demand order, or imported.  

Route ID

The ID of the route that the stop is currently assigned. Use the drop-down box to select a different route.

Billing Group/Center

The billing group/center for the stop. If the stop is from a contract stop, the originating contract stop’s billing group value will be defaulted into this field. Changes made on this form will act as an override for this stop.


Mark the stop as active or inactive. Inactive stops will post as inactive.  

Parent Stop

Mark the stop as a parent stop for other stops. If this checkbox is checked, this stop will show up in the "Parent Stop" drop-down for other stops on this route. 

This parent/child relationship can be used for activating or deactivating posted routes on the dispatch board.  If the parent is marked as inactive, any children will also be marked inactive - and visa versa, if the parent is marked as active, all of the associated children stops will be activated. 


Time and date the driver arrived at the stop. 


Time and date the stop was completed. 


POD information for the stop, if available. If a signature was captured, the  button will be active, and clicking it will display the signature in a new window.

POD Comments

POD comments for the stop.

Completed By

How the stop was completed

  • Handheld Manifest Completion - A driver clicking on the stop in their manifest to open and complete it.

  • Handheld Scan Active Stop - A driver scanning the route manifest barcode, X-xxxx-Rxxxx, to complete it.

  • Handheld Scan Contract Stop - A driver either scanning the L or C barcode related to the stop. The L barcode is the lookup barcode for the stop (X Mobile Secondary Lookup) and the C barcode is the contract stop barcode.

  • CSR Manual Completion - An Operations App user completed the stop by clicking  from the above field.  

  • X Internet Completion - An internet user marks the stop as completed via the "Route Tracking" in the Driver Portal (through X Internet or Client Portal).

  • X Internet Driver Completion - A driver marks the stop as completed via the Driver Portal (through X Internet or Client Portal) manifest.

  • Tracked By Last Stop- When Track First and Last Stops Only is enabled on the route and the last stop has been completed. See Planning - New/Edit Route.

Parent Stop (Pull-Down)

Select a stop from the list of stops on the route marked as "Parent Stops" to mark this stop as a child of the selected stop.

Force Location Scan

Force location scan setting for the stop.

  • None

  • Upon Arrival: Requires an arrival scan, where the driver, in the Driver App, has to scan a location barcode that matches the Route Stop Secondary Lookup.

  • Upon Departure: Requires a departure scan, where the driver, in the Driver App, has to scan a barcode that matches the Route Stop Secondary Lookup.

  • Both: Requires both an arrival and departure scan.

See Force Location Scan in the Driver App.

Tabbed Section

This is the tabbed section of the form. 

Location Tab

This tab contains data about the location of a route stop is to take place.

Field Name


Field Name



Name of the location for the route stop.


Address where the stop will occur.  Click  to open the address search form.

Stop Type

Type of stop. See Stop Types or Stop Types (Classic Operations App).


A number used to place this stop in the route in relation to other stops.  This number must be unique for each stop on a given route.

Reference 1

Customer references.

Reference 2

User Tab

This tab contains any data placed in user fields in relation to a route stop.

Field Names


Field Names


User Field 1

Available fields for additional data to capture on route stops. These field names can be customized on the customer record in the "General" tab under "Route Stop User Field Captions". See Customers - New/Edit Customer.

User Field 2

User Field 3

User Field 4

User Field 5

User Field 6

Times Tab

This tab contains the min, max, and preferred time for a stop.

Field Name


Field Name


Override Time Windows

Overrides the global Options > X Route "Stop Time Settings". See Global Options.


The earliest time the stop should be completed.


Preferred time for the stop to be completed.


Latest time the stop should be completed.

Parcels Tab

This tab contains data about parcels for the route stop. 

Field Names


Field Names


Parcel Type

Type of parcel.

Refrigeration Type

The refrigeration type selected:

  • Frozen

  • Refrigerated

  • Room Temperature

See set up requirements for Parcel Refrigeration Types.

Parcel Items

Click to view and edit the parcel items associated with the parcel type.


The number of pieces.


The weight of the parcel.


Click to open the Dimensional Weight Calculator. See Dimensional Weight Calculator.


Parcel barcode string (the scannable entity), that comes from the barcode image scan to show parcel chain of custody and OS&D. 


Description of the parcel


Click in this column to see the audit trail


The parcel barcode.


MasterBarcode associated with the parcel on route stop. See Master Barcodes.


The ConsolidationBarcode is used for on demand orders but has the same functionality as a master barcode.


Last date and time the parcel information was updated.


The last user to update the parcel information.


Date and time the parcel information was created.


The user that added the parcel information.


Status codes, or "exception codes", are used to indicate unsuccessful delivery of a parcel.


Miscellaneous data associated with the parcel.

Notes Tab

This tab can be used to add notes for the route stop. See Notes

Field Name


Field Name



The note. Click here to add or edit the note. 


If checked, the note will be emailed to the email address in the Email field on the order form when using "[StopNotesTab]" in a Customer Route message format associated with the customer. See Message Formats or  Message Formats (Classic Operations App) and Customers - New/Edit Customer


The type of note.  Default note types include:

  • Bill Note

  • Email Note

  • Phone Note

See Note Types.

Misc Tab

This tab contains miscellaneous information about the route stop.

Field Name


Field Name


Secondary Lookup

A second reference that can be used for sorting or grouping route stops. If this is blank when the stop is created, the address' Location Barcode will be automatically populated in this field.

Customer Route ID

This field can be used with Customer Stop ID and Customer Account ID to track data regarding a customer's internal reference data relating to a given route and its stops. 


Used in an imported record needs to make note of the shipping partner's names. 


BOL, or Bill Of Lading, is used for grouping.

Customer Stop ID

The Stop ID, if any used by the customer to reference this route stop.


Advanced fallback rating lookup.

Customer Account ID

The Account ID, if any used by the customer to reference this stop/route/location.


Advanced fallback rating lookup.

Override Settlement

Overrides the driver pay. When checked and a value is entered in the textbox, the driver will be paid that amount in the textbox for this stop.

Send Parcel Scans Immediately

Parcel scan timestamps will be sent to the server immediately, and do not wait until the stop has been marked as "Completed".

Rate Chart Lookup

The text used to find which override rate chart to use for calculating the route stop rate if an override rate chart is used upon import from an integration.

Status Codes Tab

This tab contains status codes for the route stop. See Status Codes or Status Codes (Classic Operations App) for more information. 

Field Name


Field Name


Status Code

Status code for the route stop. Status codes can come from a driver via the mobile device, or a CSR adding a status code in the Operations App.


Comment for the status code.


Date and time the status code was created. Localized time based on the route stop address in the Location tab.

Required Input Tab

This tab contains required driver input for the stop. Click the Add New button to add a new required driver input for the stop. See Driver App Required Driver Input. Double click on a required driver input to add a driver response or edit / delete the required driver input.

Field Name


Field Name


Required Driver Input

The prompt the drver will see at the stop.


When the required driver input occurs. "Arrived" or "Completed".


The driver's response.


Date and time the driver entered the information.

Attachments Tab

This tab contains attachments for the route stop. Right-click to insert a file, edit a description, or delete a file.

Field Name


Field Name



Attachment ID


The filename of the attachment.


Description of the attachment.


The user that inserted the attachment.


Date and tune the attachment was uploaded.


Last user that updated the attachment details.


Last date and time the attachment was updated.


This section of the form contains information about rates for the route stop.

Field Name


Field Name


Base Rate

The base rate for the stop. Quantity is set to 1 and is not editable. The price is automatically populated and can only be edited if the user has permissions to do so. See Users or Users (Classic Operations App).


The number of individual pieces being picked up or delivered for the stop. The price is automatically populated and can only be edited if the user has permissions to do so. See Users or Users (Classic Operations App).


The total weight of all pieces to be picked up or delivered.  The price is automatically populated and can only be edited if the user has permissions to do so. See Users or Users (Classic Operations App).

Clicking  opens the Dimensional Weight Calculator. See Dimensional Weight Calculator

(2 selected accessorial items)

Select the accessorial item(s) in the drop-down box(es). Available assessorial items are from the stamp rate chart used to calculate the rate of the route stop. See Base Rate Charts - New / Edit Stamp Rate Charts.

Surcharge Amount

Enter a price if a surcharge is required for the route stop. Quantity is set to 1 and is not editable.

Notes/remarks/action buttons

Field Name


Field Name


Driver Notes

General notes about the route stop.

Displayed in the Driver App on the Stop Info screen and in X Internet it is displayed under Short Remarks column with the Current Day's Short Remarks in Route Tracking. If the stop is consolidated in the Driver App, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.

Current Day's Short Remarks

Short remarks if the order is a scheduled stop. 

Displayed in the Driver App on the Stop Info screen and in X Internet under Short Remarks column in Route Tracking. If the stop is consolidated in the Driver App, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.

Current Day's Long Remarks

Long remarks if the order is a scheduled stop.

Displayed in the Driver App on the Stop Info screen. If the stop is consolidated in the Driver App, only the Remarks of the first consolidated will be displayed.

Email/SMS Text Alerts

The email address and/or phone numbers to automatically receive status update notifications for your this route stop. You can enter multiple email addresses and/or phone numbers by separating them with a semicolon ";".

Arrived / ETA / Completed

These checkboxes determine which emails will be sent during the pickup or delivery process. If a checkbox is grayed and you are unable to check it, this means that the status event is not set up with a message format in the customer record for the customer on the order. 

  • Arrived - A message is sent when a route stop is marked with the "Arrived" time stamp.

  • ETA - A message is sent when a route stop's ETA is updated with more than a 10 minute change.

  • Completed - A message is sent when a route stop is marked with the "Completed" time stamp.


Label(s) to be used for reporting purposes. See Labels or Labels (Classic Operations App).

Booked Amount

Total from rates section.

Audit Trail

Opens the audit trail allowing you to view all the changes made to the stop form.


Display the Parcels form for contract stop parcels. 

Distribution Parcels

Display the Parcel Manifest. See Parcel Manifest


Deletes the route stop and closes the window.

Save and New

Saves changes made to the route stop and opens a new form to create a new route stop.

Save and Close

Saves changes made to the route stop and closes the window.


Discards any changes made and closes the window.


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