Process Credit Cards

Process Credit Cards

To process credit cards in X Dispatch you need to set it up in the global options Accounting tab. See Setting Up Credit Card Processing in X Dispatch.

The Process Credit Cards form lists orders and invoices that are authorized to be processed. You can authorize a credit card for a one-time payment on an order in the Editing Order form's Bill Credit Card button. See How to Authorize a Credit Card . Customers can also be set up with a default credit card for invoices in the Accounting tab of their customer record. From here you can select the charges you would like to process, for orders or invoices. See How to Charge, Process and Reconcile Credit Cards in X Dispatch.

To get to the Process Credit Cards form, from the top main menu in X Dispatch go to ActionsProcess Credit Cards.


Field Name


Field Name



If checked, the row will be selected for processing or deleting the credit card authorization when the Process Selected button is clicked.


The company that will authorize the transaction.


What the credit card is being billed for. i.e. Order or Invoice 

Order ID/Invoice ID

X Dispatch Order ID or Invoice ID. Clicking grey box will open order or invoice in X Dispatch. 


X Dispatch Customer number and name.


Total to be charged to credit card for order or invoice.


In which state the credit card transaction exists:

  • "None" - field will be blank

  • "The credit card was approved".

  • "Failure: Final status = problem"


The Plug'n Pay Order ID.


Button Name


Button Name


Uncheck All

Uncheck all the boxes in the Selected column.

Delete Selected

Delete authorization on rows that are checked in the Selected column.

Process Selected

All credit cards on rows that are checked in the Selected column will be billed when pressed.


Closes the Process Credit Card form.

Print Report

Prints the displayed information to a report.


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