Sales By Rep

  1. Navigate to "Report Menu" bar at top of "X Dispatch".
  2. Click "Sales By Rep" from the report context menu.

The report "Sales By Rep" is a valuable tool to help analyze which sales representatives have produced the most revenue over a period of time, to help analyze which representatives have performed the best, and to show how a single representative's statistics have differed over different time ranges.

Report Parameters

Field NameDescription
FromBeginning date of date range for financial data to be pulled for sales representative.
ToEnding date of date range for financial data to be pulled for sales representative.
Service TypesService types to be used for calculating sales representative's total orders and dollar amount (Options include Routed, On Demand, or All Service Types)
Compare Date FieldDate field to be used in date range comparison (Options include DueTimeTo, ReadyTimeFrom, OrderedTime, and Delivered)

Report Results

Field NameDescription
IDHuman Resource ID number used to distinguish different sales representatives.
Last NameLast name of the sales representative for orders or stops in date range.
OrdersNumber of orders that were associated with sales representative in date range.
TotalTotal amount of revenue associated with sales representative in date range.
AverageAverage amount of revenue per order stop for sales representative in date range.