Report - On Time Performance (On Demand)

Report - On Time Performance (On Demand)

Report - On Time Performance Query Tool

You can reach the "On Time Performance Report" from the "Report" menu.

Report Menu

  1. Navigate to the "Report Menu" bar at the top of "X Dispatch".
  2. Click"On Time Performance"from the report context menu. 

Report Parameters

The On Time Performance report is a tool that can be used to show information pertaining to the pickup and delivery window for Orders in X Dispatch. To begin, select a date range, and a customer ID number to generate the report for. 

Field NameDescription
ReportThe name of the Report you are generating. This can be selected by clicking on the dropdown arrow
Begin DateThe start date range for the On Time Performance report
Order IDThe end date range for the On Time Performance report
CustomerThe X Dispatch Customer number. Enter "0" to generate a report for all customers in X Dispatch
Grace MinutesThe number of minutes to add to the Pickup and Delivery deadlines for On Time Pickup and Delivery percentages
Summary byDetermines how to sort the generated On Time Performance report. 
RedThe zip code associated with the credit card you are authorizing
AmountThe amount to bill the credit card

Report Results

Button NameDescription
Business LineThe Business Line that the Order Type is part of
Order TypeThe X Dispatch Order Type
OrdersThe number of orders contained in the report
P/U lateThe number of Orders that were considered late for pickup using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type
P/U on timeThe number of Orders that were considered on time for pickup using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type
P/U on time %The percentage of Orders that were considered on time for pickup using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type
Del lateThe number of Orders that were considered late for delivery using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type
Del on timeThe number of Orders that were considered late for delivery using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type
Del on time %The percentage of Orders that were considered late for delivery using  the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type