Report - On Time Performance (On Demand)
Report - On Time Performance (On Demand)
Report - On Time Performance Query Tool
You can reach the "On Time Performance Report" from the "Report" menu.
Report Menu
- Navigate to the "Report Menu" bar at the top of "X Dispatch".
- Click"On Time Performance"from the report context menu.
Report Parameters
The On Time Performance report is a tool that can be used to show information pertaining to the pickup and delivery window for Orders in X Dispatch. To begin, select a date range, and a customer ID number to generate the report for.
Field Name | Description |
Report | The name of the Report you are generating. This can be selected by clicking on the dropdown arrow |
Begin Date | The start date range for the On Time Performance report |
Order ID | The end date range for the On Time Performance report |
Customer | The X Dispatch Customer number. Enter "0" to generate a report for all customers in X Dispatch |
Grace Minutes | The number of minutes to add to the Pickup and Delivery deadlines for On Time Pickup and Delivery percentages |
Summary by | Determines how to sort the generated On Time Performance report. |
Red | The zip code associated with the credit card you are authorizing |
Amount | The amount to bill the credit card |
Report Results
Button Name | Description |
Business Line | The Business Line that the Order Type is part of |
Order Type | The X Dispatch Order Type |
Orders | The number of orders contained in the report |
P/U late | The number of Orders that were considered late for pickup using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type |
P/U on time | The number of Orders that were considered on time for pickup using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type |
P/U on time % | The percentage of Orders that were considered on time for pickup using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type |
Del late | The number of Orders that were considered late for delivery using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type |
Del on time | The number of Orders that were considered late for delivery using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type |
Del on time % | The percentage of Orders that were considered late for delivery using the parameters set by the time windows of the Order Type |